Page 4 - 2024-2025 Parker Co. 4-H Family Guide
P. 4


    EMAIL IS THE                                                NEWSLETTER TO

    PRIMARY                                                     STAY INFORMED


    METHOD FOR                                                   The Parker County 4-H Connection is the

                                                                monthly newsletter provided by Parker
    PARKER CO. 4-H                                              County 4-H to keep it's members up to
                                                                date and informed of what is happening
                                                                in the Parker Co. 4-H program.  The
     Parker County 4-H has close to 600                         newsletter will contain educational
     members making email the most efficient                    articles, important deadlines, 4-H
     way to communicate with our members.                       activities and club news.  Stay informed
     Yes we will post information on our                        and read the monthly newsletter!!
     Parker County 4-H Facebook Page and
     yes we will post information on the Texas
     A&M AgriLife Extension Website,
     however our chosen mode of
     communication is email.  Please make
     sure your email address is on file with
     Tiffany Johnston at the 4-H Office.  All 4-
     H communication will come from
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