Page 7 - 21-22 Parker Co. 4-H Photography Rules and Guidelines
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     R U L E S   A N D   G U I D E L I N E S                                                                           0 6


    Content:                               Display and Future                     Model and Property

    Photos that are deemed                 Usage Rights:                          Releases:
    obscene, vulgar, sexually-             By entry, the participant grants       It is required that each
    oriented, hateful, threatening,
                                           permission to the Texas 4-H            participant have sufficient
    or otherwise violate any               Youth Development Program,             permission granted to both the
    decency standards or laws are
                                           Texas A&M AgriLife                     photographer and the
    strictly prohibited. The Texas 4-      Extension, and any other public        Texas 4-H Youth Development
    H Youth Development Program
                                           or private agency authorized by        Program to publish and use as
    reserves the                           the Texas 4-H Youth                    needed any recognizable
    right to determine and refuse
                                           Development Program,                   locations or people
    inappropriate or unsuitable            the use, and rights associated to      photographed. Documentation
                                           the use of the photographic            should be retained by the
                                           likeness, in promotional               participant and be available
    Copyright                              publications, and other                upon request from the
    The Texas 4-H Youth                    media, without compensation.           Texas 4-H Youth Development
    Development Program respects           Certain photos may be used for         Program.
    the rights related to copyright        4-H program and marketing
    laws and intellectual                  uses.
    property. All photos must be the
    participant’s own work. Use of a       Liability Release:
    photo from other                       The Texas 4-H Youth

    sources/people without                 Development Program, Texas
    permission is not allowed.             A&M AgriLife Extension, and/or
    Photos may be subjected to             its employees/agents
    reverse image searches on the          involved in the contest will not
    internet.                              be held liable for non-displayed

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