Page 28 - 2021 November PC 4-H Connection
P. 28

Participants in the 4-H Archery Club must be an enrolled member in 4-H and must be 8 years old AND in 3rd
            grade.  No clover kids will be allowed to shoot.
            Archery club dues at $10/member.  Dues will cover range fees for the year but will not cover equipment
            Practices will be the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month starting at 6pm.  A short business meeting will be
            held on the 2nd Thursday of the month starting at 5:30.
            Practices will be held at Ft. Grard (3800 Mineral Wells Hwy, Weatherford).  Members will be required to
            attend a short safety course prior to shooting at the range.

                 Closed toed shoes
                Shirts with sleeves
                Hair pulled back

        Equipment -

        If you do not yet have a bow, that's okay,  there are options available to rent equipment from Fort Grard and the
        club will also be working to purchase equipment that members can use at practices.

            Recurve-Bows may be equipped with a single sighting device, single pin, multiple pin, or hunting style sights;
            may not be equipped with string peeps or string marks for rear sights. Mechanical release aids are not
            Compound Aided- Bows may be equipped with magnified sights and stabilizers. Mechanical release aids are
            permitted. No laser, range finding, or holographic sights permitted.
            Compound Unaided- Bows may not be equipped with magnified sights or stabilizers. Bows may be equipped
            with single pin or multiple pin sights. Mechanical release aids, or string peeps are not permitted.
            Barebow- Bows may not be equipped with sights or sighting marks. Must not have kisser buttons, peep
            sights, or cushion pulngers. Mechanical release aids are not permitted. Bows may have weights added, but
            must be in compliance with USA shooting rules.
            NASP- Genesis bows with no sights or sighting marks and no stabilizers. Mechanical release aides are not
            permitted. Only the stock (original) unmodified GenesisTM bow approved for NASP® may be used.

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