Page 10 - 2021-2022 Parker Co. 4-H Family Guide
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     PROGRAM YEAR                                                CROSS-COUNTY

     The 4-H program year begins on
     September 1 and concludes on August 31
     the following year.                                         Membership cannot be held
                                                                 simultaneously in more than one county
     MEMBERSHIP                                                  or state, but membership may change

     POLICIES                                                    with residence, as long as the member
                                                                 competes in a given project in only one
                                                                 county or state.

      Any person, regardless of socioeconomic                    A member of a 4-H club must participate
     level, race, color, religion, disability or                 in 4-H learning groups and other
     national  origin, may enroll as a 4-H                       educational activities under the guidance
     member.                                                     of a 4-H volunteer who is enrolled in the
                                                                 county Extension office.  A member of a
     Texas 4-H activities and events are open                    4-H club is expected to enroll in one or
     to enrolled members between the ages of                     more 4-H projects and provide written
     9 (or 8 AND in the 3rd grade) and 18 on                     evidence of project  completion.
     August 31.
                                                                 Exception - if it is more convenient,
     Events that require registration,                           desirable or logical for a 4-H member or
     certification or entry during the summer                     Clover Kid to belong to 4-H in an
     prior to the beginning of the 4-H year –                    adjacent county, he or she may do so if
     County Extension agents may sign entry                      both agents involved agree.  The
     forms for events that will occur during                     agreement should be in writing.  In
     the 4-H year for youths who will                            addition, crossing county lines requires
      become eligible for and enroll in 4-H on                   either changing all membership from the
     September 1, but these youths may not                       home to the host county or participating
     participate in 4-H competitive events and                   in the project in the host county but
     activities until September 1.                                representing the home county in events
                                                                 and activities.
     Zero-based enrollment – for
     accountability purposes and the
     requirement for keeping mailing lists
     updated, the Texas 4-H program will
     continue to use zero-based enrollment,
     meaning that we start new every 4-H year
     and must re-enroll previous members and
     volunteers and enroll new members and



     All 4-H members must be enrolled in at
     least one project. A member may add or
     delete project enrollments at any time
     during the 4-H  year.
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