Page 25 - 2021-2022 Parker Co. 4-H Family Guide
P. 25

                                   4-H CONTEST

                                                     SET POSTER CONTEST

                                                     The Discover Scientific Research Method Poster contest
                                                     allows youth to apply the scientific method to the subject
                                                     matter they have learned through their 4-H projects. The
                                                     scientific method is a process for experimentation that is
                                                     used to formulate and test a hypothesis through
                                                     experimentation and data analysis. Scientists use the
                                                     scientific method to explore relationships in nature. The
                                                     poster contest will allow youth an opportunity to display
                                                     and explain through the scientific method their project,
                                                     research, and observations.


     The Texas 4-H Rabbit Extravaganza is open to official Texas 4-H-age enrolled members. The
     event includes opportunities for youth to exhibit their rabbit projects in numerous breeds in
     addition to single fryers and meat pens. 4-H members without rabbits also may participate in a
     variety of other educational events. These include Art (graphic and handicrafts), Best Dressed
     Rabbit (costume), Breed Identification, Educational/Promotional Rabbit Posters and Displays,
     Hands-on-Judging (by the youth), Photography, Rabbit Quiz Bowl, and Showmanship. This
     event takes place in the Fall of every year.


     There are a number of opportunities for youth to exhibit their livestock at the local, county,
     state and national levels.  County and state livestock show opportunities are advertised
     through the Parker County 4-H Connection,  If you are new to showing livestock, please
     contact the Parker County 4-H office and we will be able to help you set up a livestock show

                     CLICK THE CONTEST TITL
                     CLICK THE CONTEST TITLE E

                               FOR MORE DETAIL
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