Page 47 - 2021-2022 Parker Co. 4-H Family Guide
P. 47
You should already have your market lambs, goats and hogs for the PCLIA
Youth Livestock Show or have made arrangements to pick them up the first of
April to have them in time for PCLIA Tag-In.
If you are showing at the PCLIA Youth Livestock Show you need to be
reviewing your PCLIA rulebook and entry form and make sure you understand
the rules/form prior to entry. Make sure you review the current rulebook.
They can be found online at
April - TBA PCLIA Entry Deadline
April - TBA PCLIA Tag In
April - TBA D3 4-H Rifle and Pistol Contest
April 2 - D3 4-H Duds to Dazzle Contest - Archer City (Qualifying Event)
April 2 - D3 4-H Fashion Show - Archer City (Qualifying Event)
April 4 - Parker County 4-H Parent Leader's Association Meeting
April 5 - Fashion Storyboard Upload Deadline
April 5 - D3 4-H Consumer Decision Making Registration Deadline
April 5 - D3 4-H Roundup, Share the Fun, SET Poster, Public Speaking and
Education Presentations Registration Deadline
April 12 - D3 4-H Horse Judging Registration Deadline
April 13 - D3 4-H Horse Quiz Bowl - Vernon (Registration Required)
April 20 - D3 4-H Consumer Decision Making Contest - Vernon (Registration
April 20 - D3 4-H Roundup, Share the Fun, SET Poster, Public Speaking and
Education Presentations - Vernon (Registration Required)
April 25 - Parker County 4-H Fashion and Interior Design Project Meeting
April 27 - D3 4-H Horse Judging Contest - Vernon (Registration Required)
April 28 - Parker County 4-H STEM Project Meeting
April 30 - Parker Co. 4-H Lonesome Dove Showdown
Parker County 4-H Family Guide | 46