Page 3 - October 2020
P. 3
My Silver
O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0
By: Kayla Neill, County Extension Agent,
4-H and Youth Development
I wanted to take a moment to say welcome
to you all and to thank you for your patience
and understanding during this first official
month of 4-H. Some things look a little
different and I must admit that adjusting and
overcoming the challenges we've been faced
has given me new breath and I am very
excited for what this 2020-2021 4-H year
has in store.
This is a tumultuous time and many of us
have never experienced anything like this.
I'm going to say to you what I have
communicated to our Parker Co. 4-H
Ambassadors...Find the Silver Lining. In
anything you do, find the good, even if you're
having a terrible day. Oh... and BE KIND, if
you're rude it just gives you wrinkles. I hope
you have a wonderful 4-H year and if you
have questions, don't be afraid to ask. We
are only a phone call away 817.598.6172.
Parker County 4-H Connection | 01