Page 12 - October 2022
P. 12



          Encouraging Words

                 Hello Parker Co. 4-H,

                 My  name  is  Emily  Meals,  and  I  am  currently  serving  as  one  of  your  Parker  County  4-H
                 ambassadors. I have a few things already planned for this upcoming year, but I want to do
                 something special. Each month I am planning on completing a series, “Encouraging Words.”
                 Being  a  senior  in  high  school,  just  like  many  of  you,  I  am  reaching  the  step  into  the  “real
                 world.” So take my words of advice with you through life, and let's make this world a better

                 Since  it  is  Fall,  we  are  soon  to  see  the  leaves  change  their  colors.  The  word  of  focus  this
                 month is change. Change in life may seem scary, but remember that some change is good. It
                 is  important  to  never  get  too  comfortable.  Don’t  be  afraid  of  change  whether  this  be
                 graduating from high school, focusing on a new project, or finding a new friend. You may
                 seem  like  you're  losing  something  good,  but  you  might  be  gaining  something  even  better
                 ahead. So as you may see the leaves change colors, remember the focus of change.

                 Best Regards,

                 Emily Meals

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