Page 4 - 22-23 Parker Co. 4-H Photography Rules and Guidelines
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Rules and Procedures
Participation and Photo Eligibility: Photo Entry Method:
Grades: Photo must be taken by County: Click Here to Enter
Clover : 5 years of age to 8 participants between the dates of
January 1, 2022 and the time of Ratio and Size
and not in the 3rd grade.
entry. Photos may be submitted
Size Ratio: any size ratio, except
only one time and in only one for panoramic, is acceptable.
Junior: 8 and in the 3rd grade- category. REVISED For this contest,
5th grade for the current
panoramic is defined as a photo
school year. Photo Format: with an aspect ratio of 3:1 or 3:1
Must be .jpeg, .jpg, or .png. or wider/taller.
Intermediate: 6th grade Contestants may use any file File Size: Photo must be a
through 8th grade for the naming structure. minimum of 1MB and a
current school year. maximum of 20MB. REVISED
Entry Fees: Tips: Upload the highest
Senior: 9th grade through County Fee: Free resolution possible. Review your
photo at 100% size before
12th grade for the current District Fee (jr. int, and sr): TBA uploading. Check your photo’s
State Entry Fee (Seniors only):
school year. file properties and/or metadata
to ensure it meets the file size
Registration Deadlines:
County: February 28, 2023
District: TBA (Qualifying)
State: April 15, 2023 (Qualifying)