Page 13 - Parker County 4-H Connection, March 2022
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C O L L E G E   A N D   C A R E E R   E X P L O R A T I O N
                                 & SAT

     ***High School Juniors***

     It is time to look at your calendars and begin registering for the ACT and SAT
     Exams if you haven't already done so.  Early admissions for most universities
     typically ends in October so you want to allow plenty of time to take and re-take

     these exams if needed.

     ***How to Register for the ACT*** - Click Here for Registration

     You'll Need:
         About 30 minutes
         Computer with Internet
         Credit Card or other Payment
         Headshot Photo
         Your High School Code - Look up here
         Testing With or Without Writing - You will need to check with the
         college/universities you plan to submit applications to see if they require
         with writing or without.

         Parent Email Address

     ACT Test - Prep
     There are a number of ways to prepare for the ACT.  Some may have
     the opportunity to take an ACT prep course and some may purchase

     ACT study material.  Below is a list of resources and  links provided by of the 15 Best Online Resources for Free ACT Prep 2021

     #1   Official ACT Website

     The official ACT website,, is not just a place to take care of ACT logistics,
     such as signing up for the test and getting your scores. There is also a ton of
     valuable test prep material if you know where to look. This includes sample
     questions, sample student essays, college admissions planning advice, and, yes,
     a full-length ACT practice test PDF made up of real ACT questions that are no
     longer in use. Navigating the official ACT website is a bit confusing since there
     are so many resources, so check out our detailed post on which parts of the
     official ACT website are the most helpful for test-takers.

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