Page 6 - Parker County 4-H Connection, March 2022
P. 6
The Parker County Livestock Improvement Association is a group of volunteers that organize and
host the Parker County Livestock show in June. Anyone is welcome to attend the meetings and may
become a voting member by paying the annual or the lifetime membership fee.
There are a couple of items that I would like to point out. Keep in mind, it is still your
responsibility to read the rule book which can be accessed by visiting the PCLIA Website, selecting
the "Stock Show" drop down menu and selecting "Rule Book". It is very important that you go
online and read the rule book prior to entering the show.
Date of Show - Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - Sunday, June 5, 2022
Date of Sale - Saturday, June 11, 2022
Premium Sale - This means the exhibitor gets to decide the destination of the animal (ship or
take home), and if they choose to ship it, they (the exhibitor) will also get the floor check.
Unlimited tag-in for market animals - there is no limit to the number of market animals an
individual exhibitor or family unit can tag. You may tag as many as you want as long as you pay
the respective tag-in fee. Each exhibitor may only still show two (2) of each species for the
market divisions but you can tag as many as you want.
PCLIA Broiler Orders
PCLIA Broiler orders are due March 10, 2022 using the link below. Broilers are $2 each. Minimum
order of 15, maximum of 50 per exhibitor.
Broiler order link: Please keep the
receipt generated by PayPal to present at broiler pick up
PCLIA Tag Orders
PCLIA (County Show) Tags for market sheep, market goats, market swine and dairy heifers must be
ordered by 3/26/22 using the link below.
Tag Order Link : Please keep the
receipt generated by PayPal to present at tag-in.