Page 10 - 2024 September Parker Co. 4-H Connection
P. 10



                                                                  4-H'ers and volunteer leaders will utilize
                                                                  the online enrollment system to enroll in

                                                                  the Parker county 4-H program.

                                                                  Once enrolled, your family profile stays
                                                                  with you your entire 4-H career, no need
                                                                  to ever create a new family profile.

                                                                  If you have moved to another county, just

                                                                  contact your County Extension Agent and
                                                                  they can get the transfer process started.

         If new to the Parker Co. 4-H program, you will receive a welcome email from our 4-H
         Administrative Assistant, Tiffany Johnston with additional Parker Co. 4-H/ 4-H Club


         Please Note: You participate in 4-H by attending a club or project meeting.  A

         club or project leader will NOT reach out to you if you enroll online. Club and
         project information is obtained by attending the 4-H meetings.

                                   CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO ENROLL

                              4-H ONLINE ENROLLMENT SYSTEM

         The Parker Co. 4-H Family Guide contains all there is to know about Parker Co. 4-H as
         well as a monthly calendar.  Be sure to flip through and take advantage of the

         opportunity to get your 4-H year somewhat planned.  Please note...dates are subject
         to change, please make sure you are referencing the monthly Parker Co. 4-H
         Connection for the most up to date information.
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