Page 2 - November 2020 Parker County 4-H Connection
P. 2

N O V E M B E R   2 0 2 0

                      01   Important Dates

                      02   A Word From Kayla

                      03   Meet Your Parker County 4-H Council

                      04   Parker County 4-H College and Career Exploration  - Scholarship Workshop

                      05   Parker County 4-H Cash for Clovers Scholarship

                      08   4-H Food and Nutrition

                      09   4-H Horse Project

                      10   4-H  Fashion and Interior Design

                      11   4-H Photography

                      13   4-H Livestock  - Major Stock Show Entry Deadline and District Contest Registration

                      15   Parker County 4-H Parent Leader's Association and 4-H Council

                      16   Club News

       Due to COVID guidelines and restrictions,  we still must wear face coverings
        Due to COVID guidelines and restrictions,  we still must wear face coverings
                                        (covering the mouth and nose)
                                        (covering the mouth and nose)
                  while in attendance of an indoor 4-H meeting, no exceptions
                  while in attendance of an indoor 4-H meeting, no exceptions
              (extra face coverings will be on hand just in case someone forgets).
              (extra face coverings will be on hand just in case someone forgets).
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