Page 4 - 2021 October Parker Co. 4-H Connection
P. 4
By: Kayla Neill, County Extension Agent,
4-H and Youth Development
I wanted to take a moment to say welcome to you all; new and
returning members. We have had record enrollment for the
month of September and that is extremely exciting for us to see.
To our new members...4-H can be a bit overwhelming. There's lots
of things we have to offer. If you find yourself struggling to wrap
your brain around it all, please call us. We are here to help and
would be happy to walk you through our program. Words of
advice from me...start with one (easy) project and build from
there; and again, if you have questions ask them.
To our returning members...we are so happy to have you back. My
challenge to you is to try something new. Maybe you're interested
in participating in a contest, taking on a leadership role, or adding
a new project. Don't just do the same old thing you always do.
Our program is designed to grow and develop young people.
Growth and development happens by trying new things.
I want to wish you all the BEST 4-H Year!! Again, we are a phone
call away (817.598.6172) if you ever need anything.