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New Evershine Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd.
 Balancesheet as on 31 March 2021
 Mar-2020  Liablities  Brindavan  Gokul   Mathura  Total  Mar-2020  Assets  Brindavan   Gokul  Mathura  Total
 150000.00 Authorised Capital  150000.00  Fixed Assets
        42078.00 Land & Building               14506.00    13957.00   13615.00     42078.00
 48500.00 Suscribed & Paid-Up Capital  16750.00  14250.00  17500.00  48500.00  4249.44 Computers & Printers  2198.00  1816.50  2188.00  6202.50
 2800.00 Reserve Fund  200.00  200.00  2400.00  2800.00  18488.00 Furniture & Fixtures  5790.00  4839.00  6010.00  16639.00
 1045000.00 Betterment charges  329290.00  372810.00  445900.00  1148000.00  35287.00 Water Pumps  8214.00  15098.00  6682.00  29994.00
 5406154.00 Sinking fund  1809574.00  1671198.00  1893334.00  5374106.00  1330.00 Tools & Equipments  565.00  565.00  0.00  1130.00
 2008118.00 Accured Int On FDR's  610518.00  1103385.00  592020.00  2305923.00  7337.00 Sound System For office  2035.00  1701.00  2501.00  6237.00
        28331.00 CC TV Camera                  10069.00     8629.00    9788.00     28486.00
 Current Liablities & Provision  Investment
 14860.00 Audit Fees Payable  11859.00  9912.00  12389.00  34160.00  12115.00 FD Ganesh Collection  4206.00  3515.00  4394.00  12115.00
 183698.00 Major Repairs Account  (Inter Trn)  0.00  26067.00  -27925.00   -1858.00   4889431.00 FD MDCC Bank  1732533.00  2709346.00  1077661.00  5519540.00
 37196.00 Electricity charges Payable  8855.00  4250.00  21929.00  35034.00  149170.00 Accured Int On FDR's  48534.00  113761.00  44323.00  206618.00
 1402112.00 Water Charges Payable  226220.00  81454.00  1099056.00  1406730.00  1000.00 Share MDCC Bank  346.00  295.00  359.00  1000.00
 0.00 Education Fund  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  100.00 Share HSG Federation  33.00  33.00  34.00  100.00
 132997.00 Salary Payable  44037.00  38038.00  47547.00  129622.00  Cash and Bank Balanecs
  Welfare Fund   3000.00  3000.00  541342.71 MDCC Bank   63608.89  306269.84  204713.55  574592.28
 Loans & Liablities  27881.97 MDCC Common A/c.63  3374.00  -5378.53   17147.00     15142.47
 500000.00 Raheja Builders  173575.00  145078.00  181347.00  500000.00  5216.00 Petty Cash  1982.00  2704.00  904.00  5590.00
   Mathura Loan   -2.00   -2.00   0.00 MDCC Bank  Repair A/c.  0.00  301809.00  238179.00  539988.00
 Excess Of Income Over Exp  on MR  0.00  246485.00  379380.00  625865.00  8762913.00 Dues from Members  7725062.00  1528798.00  738254.00  9992114.00
 4568876.58 Excess Of Income Over Expenses(Old)  4972281.84  862638.08  5834919.92  Dues from Members MR  -55324.00  141201.00  85877.00
 1266043.34 Profit For the year  1426271.05  408721.73  1834992.78  47365.00 Deposits  9373.00  32053.00  5939.00  47365.00
      1686059.80 Excess Of Expenses Over Income  (Old)              2042719.80   2042719.80
       356660.00 Loss For the year                                  108264.65     108264.65

 16616354.92  Total  9632428.89  4984486.81  4664877.00  19281792.70  Total  9632428.89  4984486.81  4664877.00  19281792.70

 As per attached report on even date                      -                      -                      -                                -  For New Evershine Co-op Hsg. Soc.Ltd.
 For Vivek Agrawal & Co
 Chartered Accountants

 Vivek K . Agrawal
 (Proprietor)                    Hon .Chairman/  Hon. Secretary /  Hon.Treasurer
 P . No. 15858
 DATED:  Feb-2022
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