Page 15 - Digital Version - OCT - DEC 2022 4th IssueB_Neat
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 THU, OCT 13    7:30PM
 Chelsea Berry is a singer-songwriter with the edge, power, and
 finesse of legends. Her presence has been described by listeners
 as “compelling… she draws the entire house into her world like  Can you tell us about the connection between your new album  funds to rehab centers and to help those unfamiliar or unaware
 moths to a flame.”  Peace Love & Happiness that was released on AUG 19, 2022,  of the prevalence of these issues understand the dangers of
       and Foundation Joy?                                      drug abuse on a personal level.
 As a vocalist and performer, she evokes the style of artists such as
 Sheryl Crow, Eva Cassidy, KD Lang, and Melissa Etheridge.  In January I met a woman named Bernadette after a show in
       New Hampshire; I was staying at her bed and breakfast. When
 “Great, talented, beautiful … her future is so bright you’re gonna have  she found out I was a songwriter, sight unseen, she asked if I
 to wear shades.” – Chris Smither  would write her a song for her son. I agreed, thinking that I
       would be writing something as a gift for him. She then explained
       to me that her son had died of a fentanyl overdose the summer

       One of my best friends had lost her brother to an overdose just
 STEVE SWEENEY  two months before that, so the issue of drug abuse and the
       impact that an addict's behavior has on the addict themselves
 FRI,   OCT 14    8PM   and on the people who love them was already hitting very close
 $25   to home.
 Born in Charlestown, Steve Sweeney is a legendary Boston  Bernadette told me all about her son Anthony, his struggles, his
 comedian known as a master of dialects and character voices. With  successes, his love of humor and his desire to make the world  Foundation  Joy  is  dedicated  to  provide  long  term  recovery  resources  after  30  days  of  successful  drug  in-
 his famous Boston accent and great insight into human nature,  around him a better place. I wrote his song, and when it was  patient  rehabilitation  has  been  achieved.  All  donations  will  be  used  to  help  provide  housing,  medical,
                                                                 psychiatric,  counseling,  employment  and  educational  services  for  those  who  are  not  financially  capable  of
 Steve is so thoroughly Bostonian that he merits his own stop on the  done, I recorded it and sent it to her. As soon as she heard it, she  providing on their own for continued sobriety.
 MBTA Green Line.                                                                                 WWW.FOUNDATIONJOY.ORG
       told me that it was exactly what she had envisioned.. and that,
 He has been a featured on major television shows including David  cathartic as it was for her to hear, it was not going to be enough.  CHELSEABERRY.COM  THU, OCT 13 | 7:30PM
 Letterman, Evening at the Improv, Comics Come Home, and  She wanted to make a whole album so that she could raise
 Comedy Central, and starred in his own Boston-based sitcom, Park  money for drug abuse awareness and rehabilitation. She  What song off the new album resonates the most with you and
 Street Under.  established a nonprofit called "Foundation Joy" to help channel   why?
                                                                I think my favorite song on this album is “Mama Let Me Go.” I love
                                    Chelsea  Berry with Livingston Taylor   singing the melody... it covers most of my range and feels like it
                                         on the Spire's stage  circa 2015  rolls off of my vocal chords in a different way than anything I’ve
 ERIC LINDELL                          Photo Credit: Denise Maccaferri  ever written before. The lyrics have a lot of imagery in them that I
 SAT,  OCT 15    8PM                                            think is very powerful, and beyond that, they really resonated
 $40                                                            with Bernadette the first time she heard them. The fact that she
                                                                was touched so deeply by this one in particular made me enjoy
 With his raspy, soulful voice and instantly memorable original  playing it even more.
 songs, roots-rocking multi-instrumentalist Eric Lindell is a true
 one-of-a-kind talent. Mixing West Coast rock and swampy Gulf   This summer you were teaching songwriting to teens & adults
 Coast R&B with honky tonk country and Memphis soul, Lindell    at Schoodic Arts for All in Maine. What is the best way to help
 creates American roots music that is both surprisingly fresh and  students bring out their creativity?
 sweetly familiar. Since his first self-release over two decades ago,
 Lindell has earned critical and popular acclaim, first in his dual  I like to remind people that it’s okay to make mistakes and that
 home bases of Louisiana and Northern California and then across  in order to get to the good stuff, you have to first be willing to
 the country. Although influenced by American roots music from  write or sing or say something that you think is silly or dumb or
 blues to country to rock, Lindell’s style is all his own. He has  not polished enough. I think we all have a tendency to self-edit
 performed thousands of gigs in roadhouses, clubs, concert halls  as we go, and if we’re being judgmental about our creative
 and festivals and has appeared on national radio and television.  thoughts or ideas as we are creating them, we end up
 His live shows overflow with happy, dancing people singing the  completely blocking our own path. Letting those creative
 words to every song.                                           floodgates open, allowing for the silly or weird thoughts to come
                                                                out; those practices make space for the real meat, the great
                                                                ideas, the kernels that are worth saving to be discovered. We
                                                                are our own worst critic and being brave enough not to judge
 1 4       |     T H E   S P I R E   C E N T E R   M A G A Z I N E  ourselves too harshly is so important.
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