Page 33 - Digital Version - OCT - DEC 2022 4th IssueB_Neat
P. 33
What is the one thing people are surprised to
If you got to choose a song that would play every In sharing the stage with acts like BB King, Keb' learn about you?
time you entered a room, what song would you Mo', and the Allman brothers, just to name a few, I think that people will be surprised to know that I
pick, and why? can you share a favorite memory with our am probably the world’s greatest tennis fan. I love
"He Called Me Baby" by Candi Staton. The reason readers? the game of tennis. Also, I'm a big cartoon buff and
I chose this song is because I think she does an That's a very hard question because I have been mimic and I also like to imitate peoples voice. I'm
incredible job vocally and the music is very lucky enough to share the stage with a number of getting pretty deep in right now I can't let you
emotional. Being a full-term lifer on the road, it my mentors and heroes. But, one of my most know all my secrets ha ha ha ha ha
would be nice to know someone to care about you touching and memorable moments was when I
in that type of sentiment. was playing the Calgary Stampede and it was just
after Matt Murphy had recovered from his stroke, What’s left on your bucket list?
the band and I fired off on a number that was so I am getting to the point and the age that I no
You’ve shown interest in crossing musical longer have a bucket list but a f--k it list. Meaning
boundaries and you’ve expressed interest in moving to him that he came from front of the
doing a full country, jazz, or rock album. If given house where the people were sitting and he come screw it, I'm going to do it regardless and the list
the chance to do such a project who would be to the front of the stage and he got on his hands keeps growing and growing. Really the only thing
and knees and crawled up on the stage and I was
that I aspire to do more of is to travel and play
your dream collaborators? so moved that I stopped in the middle of my music but to have a little bit more leisure time to
Well, first of all I would like to speak about my performance and had a couple of the stage hands enjoy some of the travel.
aspirations. I'm not saying that I'm qualified to do along with myself help him to his feet and sit him
a full Jazz or a country project, but I do have a lot down in a chair. I was so touched by his effort that “Larry’s still a relatively young man, with a lot to say,
of respect and love for the music. So, in my mind I pulled my guitar off and passed it to him and I and the world needs to know who he is. It’s the
this is something that could be a whole lot of fun stepped down on my lead pedal and you would perfect time to have a rebirth of his music,”
and very fulfilling. In terms of my dream have been amazed at the sound that came off of -Joe Bonamassa
collaboration, with all due respect, I would choose the guitar in his hands. He brought tears to my
Ray Charles or Aretha Franklin. eyes and made me smile. I had never been so
honored by one of my heroes and that definitely
"the blues is the includes Mr. Matt Guitar Murphy.
truth and in order “In the Spirit of B.B. King, Luther Allison, and Little Milton, Larry
is among the Greats! It’s now up to the world to rediscover him.
to have real He’s been here all along.” – Joe Bonamassa LARRY MCCRAYFRI MAY 27 8PM
What’s your favorite song to perform live and
That's another really hard question, but as
everyone knows in my career I have always been a
fan of instrumentals. I guess that's one thing that
makes me a big fan of Albert Collins but with that
being said, one of my favorite songs to perform is
an original instrumental by the name of "Buck FOLLOW LARRY ON SOCIAL MEDIA!
Naked" and that's because it's very energetic and
has a lot of wah wah action kind of like porno
music ha ha ha ha, a grooving bass line and it's
really fun to play
Official Larry McCray
What guitar is leaning up against your couch and
have you named it?
I have an old Harmony guitar that belonged to my
brother James who passed away in 2019 and he
drew a character of a 1970s soul brother with an @officiallarrymccray
Afro and a cigarette and a stream of smoke
coming out of his mouth and below there was an
insignia saying Daddy Cool so that's what I named @TheLarryMcCray
the guitar Daddy Kool with a K.