Page 28 - Phil Brill Building program DIGITAL flipbook
P. 28

Benefactors              Sunny Steadman          Lea Filson
        ($250-$499)              Brad and Andrea Stokes  Mrs. Sue Anne Fischer
        Gary Allen               Mr. and Mrs. William Swanson Stephen Fletcher
        Martine Anderson         Robert and Carol Taylor  Margaret Fogarty
        Anonymous                Richard F. Wontka       Helen Fowler
        Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bethune Jr.                  Friend
        Jan and Gene Blanchard   Patron                  Bob Frye
        Janice and Rusty Brown   ($100-$249)             Joyce Galkiewicz
        Richard and Victoria Brown  Josh Adelson and Kim Collins  Marc and Maureen Garrett
        Joan Bursey              Mr. Richard Almeida     Rosemarie and Louis Gentile
        Dr. and Mrs. James E. Callahan Anonymous (4)     Nancy Giamattei
        Martine Canning          Bronius and Birute Banaitis  Frank and Linda Gigliotti
        Charlie and Peg Chace    Joan Bartlett           Crystal Gould
        Peter and Mary Curley    Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Beaton  John and Carolyn Gunther
        James J. Foley           Donald and Karen Besse  Cynthia Goss and
        Marcia and Larry Gingold  Joaquin Betancourt      Allen Hemberger
        Carol Goshine            Christopher Bosanquet   Neal Hampton
        Paul and Irene Gross     Donald and Ellen Brown  Deb and Gregg Hanson
        Mary Ingamells           Thomas and Debra Browning  Mr. and Mrs. James Harney
        Karen Kuskin-Smith and    Donna Burrell          Gail Harris
         C. James Smith          Marcia and James Byrne  Pam and Greg Hinkle
        RuDell Kylander          Glenn and Barbara Case  Debbie and John Holmes
        Jorge and Elena Larco    Ruth Cederberg          Kelly Holmes
        William and Judith Lutz  John and Pat Chopoorian  Mary and David Howarth
        Marshfield Cultural Council  Andrea Clary and Joan McFaul  Karyl Huth, Thomas Huth,
        Dennis McCarthy          Larry and Ruth Cohen     Laura Clover, and Linda Haycraft
        B. Miller                Brian and Grace Concannon  Mark and Peg Jacobson
        Bob and Beth Nahill      Maria Corcoran          Carl and Elin Jayko
        Lois and Kenneth Paul    Daniel and Janet Crowley  Annette and Paul Klein
        Project Arts Plymouth Inc.  Paul and Helene Daly  Kevin Krawiec
        Webster and Mona Ray     Carol D’Ambrosio        William and Lee Krein
        Laura Schaefer- Realtor  Pompey and Margi Delafield  Jeffrey LaForest
        Jane Ricardi             Craig and Diana DiGiorgi  Carol Lamb
        Ellen Salisbury-Ragucci  Barry Dorn              Ken and Pam Larson
        Barbara A. Santos        Douglass Family         Joanne E. Lawrence
        George and Eunice Scotti  Rebecca Duke           Lyle Lawrence
        Donald and Mary Severy   Duxbury Cultural Council  Peter and Mary Ellen Lawrence
        Michael Patrick Shea III  Anne Emler             Leon and Chris Lopes
        Ed and Lucia Sherman     Carrie Farmer           Nancy Lore
        Marcy Stanton            Matt Ferraguto          Karolin A. Losert
                                                         Calum and Judith MacLachlan

        26        Plymouth Philharmonic O r ches tr a
        26      Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra
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