Page 35 - Phil Brill Building program DIGITAL flipbook
P. 35
Now in his 31st year leading the month. Most I peruse quickly, then
Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra, either file or toss. In 2017, however, I
Steven Karidoyanes has delivered a received a marketing piece for a pops
wide range and variety of live musical program that stopped me in my tracks.
experiences to our patrons. On It was titled “Music of the Knights: The
February 1st and 2nd, Steven and the Music of Sir Paul McCartney, Sir Elton
Phil’s musicians will bring yet another John and Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber.” I
exceptional musical event for our immediately thought, “What a great
audience to enjoy — taking us this time idea! We could sell this!” We presented
on a nostalgic trip down memory lane. this program in May of 2019. It was
our first experience working with Scott,
What made NYC’s Brill Building in the his company, and his wonderful cast of
50s and 60s such a hotbed of creativity? artists. It was a huge success!
The Brill Building, located at 1619 There are many benefits of
Broadway in midtown Manhattan, collaborating with them . They provide
was named after the Brill Brothers professionally written sheet music
whose clothing store was first located from which the orchestra plays and it’s
on the street level corner. They would all fully licensed. An important thing!
later buy the building. In 1931 the Not only are their artists talented, but
Brills were forced by a deepening also true collaborators who are eager
Depression to rent space to anyone to make things easy for us during our
they could and music publishers were limited rehearsal time together. The
the first to rent space from them. By most important aspect of working with
1962 the Brill Building contained 165 them is that all their musical selections
music businesses and became the hub are truly orchestra-centric. Their music
of professionally written rock and roll. makes our orchestra musicians sound
The building was ‘one stop shopping’ great. For me there is no greater
to create, record, publish and promote benefit!
music and it contributed to hundreds
of “Billboard Hot 100’ hits in just one Is your preparation with musicians and
six-year span. Amazing! rehearsals for a Pops concert different
from that of a non-Pops concert and in
This concert will be the Phil’s fourth what way?
collaboration with Scott Coulter’s
company, Spot-On Entertainment. Can For me and our orchestra musicians,
you talk about the benefits of that there is no difference between
ongoing collaboration? preparing a pops program and a strictly
symphonic orchestral program. Good
I’ll tell you first how I learned of Scott music is good music. It all requires
and his Spot-On Entertainment. I the same attention to detail if you are
get dozens of unsolicited marketing going to be true to the composer, the
pieces from artist managers, soloists, orchestra and our audience.
producers and publishers in any given
Season 2024/25 33