Page 18 - Phil Bacharach program digital book
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Season 2023 /24

      Hocus Pocus: Magical Music

      MARCH 10, 2024  |  3 pm                     Tickets: $20 adults
      Instrument Demonstration  |  2 pm           $10 children 12 & under
      Plymouth Memorial Hall
      Steven Karidoyanes, conductor
      Enjoy a magical concert for all ages with Dukas’
      The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, John Williams’ Harry Potter
      and the Sorcerer’s Stone and Holst’s Uranus, the Magician.

      Arrive early to meet the musicians at our instrument demo!

      Great Collaborations                                        Tickets: $30-$65

      MARCH 23, 2024   |  7:30 pm            Great music comes from great
      Plymouth Memorial Hall                 collaborations! Highlights include
      Steven Karidoyanes, conductor          Pictures at an Exhibition, Five Variants of
      Jonathan James Perry, narrator         “Dives and Lazarus,” and Wampanoag:
      Community Spirit Singers               Stories for All Time with a big drum
      South Shore Conservatory Youth Orchestra,  circle finale inspired by legends of the
           Elijah Langille, director         People of the First Light.


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        16  Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra
           Plymouth Philharmonic Or
           Plymouth Philharmonic Or
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