Page 34 - SPIRE Digital Version SEP-DEC 2024 9th Issue
P. 34

FALL 2024

                               DELTA GENERATORS                                                                                                DIVAS WITH A TWIST
                               SAT, DEC 14 @ 8PM                                                                                               SAT, DEC 21 @ 8PM
                               $28                                                                                                             $35

                        Winning awards and playing to sold out shows across New England and                                             Divas with a Twist features 5 powerhouse female vocalists with
                        beyond, the Boston based Delta Generators have made quite a name for                                            professional  theatre  backgrounds  combined  with  Grammy
                        themselves since hitting the scene in 2008. Their music brings together                                         nominated  musicians.  This  group  of  talented  performers  have
                        their  diverse  musical  influences,  drawing  on  the  traditions  of  Blues,                                  collaborated to create a dynamic night of musical entertainment!
                        Roots, R&B and Rock to create a sound uniquely their own.                                                       They perform pop, rock, R&B, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s 90’s and current
                                                                                                                                        with  tight  harmonies  and  original  arrangements  that  are  fresh
                                                               Lúnasa’s “Irish Solstice Celebration”                                    and exciting! This is one show you do not want to miss!                                      FALL 2024
                                                               w/ special guest singer Dave Curley
                                                                                SUN, DEC 15 @ 8PM
                                                                                                   $40                                                                CHARLES DICKENS’ A CHRISTMAS CAROL: A
                                                             An  evening  hosted  by  Lúnasa  and  featuring  special  guest                                             SOLO PERFORMANCE BY NEIL MCGARRY
                                                             Dave  Curley  creating  a  musical  tapestry  that  takes  the                                                                       SUN, DEC 22 @ 3PM
                                                             audience back to the Irish homeland for the winter holidays.                                                                                   $20 to $25
                                                             Named  for  an  ancient  Celtic  harvest  festival,  Lúnasa  was                                         Armed only with a bare stage and Dickens’ glorious words, McGarry
                                                             formed in 1997 from members of some of the greatest Irish                                                delivers  the  Dickens’  holiday  classic  in  a  tour  de  force  performance
                                                             groups  of  the  previous  decade.  From  the  start,  the  band’s                                       that  has  left  audiences  riveted  from  Boston  to  Prague.  Joyous,
                                                             complex  arrangements  and  unique  sound  reshaped  the                                                 captivating,  and  witty,  A  Christmas  Carol  is  a  fully  staged,  full-
                                                             boundaries of traditional music and energized audiences the                                              throated  leap  into  Dickens’  most  famous  story,  delivered  with  a
                                                             world over.                                                                                              simplicity that disarms and touches the heart.

                                  SPIRE LOBBY SERIES: GRACE
                                  MORRISON                                                                                                      ENTER THE HAGGIS
                                  THU, DEC 19 @ 7:30PM                                                                                          FRI, DEC 27 @ 8PM
                                  $15                                                                                                           $39
                                                                                                                                        For  over  two  decades,  Toronto’s  Enter  The  Haggis  has
                        Born  and  raised  on  the  shores  of  Cape  Cod,  Grace’s  unique                                             combined  bagpipes  and  fiddles  with  a  rock  rhythm  section  to
                        brand  of  “saltwater  country”  has  established  her  as  a
                        confident, refreshing voice in country-pop. With performances                                                   create  a  distinctively  eclectic  sound,  praised  by  The  Boston
                        at Nashville’s Bluebird Café and co-writes with multi-Grammy                                                    Globe,  The  Washington  Post  and  Canada’s  Globe  and  Mail.
                        winner  Lori  McKenna  (Humble  and  Kind)  and  hit  songwriter                                                Their  songs  offer  singalong  melodies  and  deep,  meaningful
                        Barbara Cloyd (I Guess You Had to be There) under her belt,                                                     lyrics  which  tell  the  stories  of  everyday  hard  working  people,
                        Grace made a name for herself in 2022 at songwriter festivals                                                   often  faced  with  seemingly  insurmountable  challenges.
                        from Massachusetts to Montana.                                                                                  Signature songs like “One Last Drink”, “Gasoline”, “Down With
                                                                                                                                        The  Ship”  and  “Lancaster  Gate”  have  had  millions  of  plays  on
                                                                     CHERISH THE LADIES CELTIC                                          streaming  services,  appeared  in  Hollywood  movies,  and  have
                                                                                                                                        been performed and recorded by artists around the world.
                                                                                   FRI, DEC 20 @ 8PM
                                                                                                  $55                                                                                ANOTHER TEQUILA SUNRISE
                                                               One of the most engaging and successful ensembles in the                                                                            FRI, DEC 28 @ 8PM
                                                               history  of  Celtic  music,  Cherish  The  Ladies  have  shared                                                                   SUN, DEC 29 @ 2PM
                                                               timeless Irish traditions with audiences worldwide for over                                                                                         $38
                                                               thirty years. In their Celtic Christmas program, the Ladies                                            New England-based Eagles tribute, ANOTHER TEQUILA SUNRISE has
                                                               put their signature mark on classic carols such as “O Come                                             been  performing  to  sell-out  crowds  across  the  country  for  nearly
                                                               All  Ye  Faithful”  and  “Silent  Night,”  in  arrangements  that                                      twenty  years.  The  standing  ovations  and  thunderous  applause
                                                               highlight  the  group’s  unique  Celtic  instrumentation,                                              emphasize  that  this  group  is  the  premier  Eagles  Tribute  show  in  the
                                                               beautiful  harmonies,  and  spectacular  step  dancing.  Hailed                                        USA. While opting not to concentrate on any one particular era of the
                                                               by  The  New  York  Times  as  “passionate,  tender  and                                               Eagle’s  history,  ATS  instead  celebrates  their  rich  musical  heritage  –
                                                               rambunctious,”  Cherish  The  Ladies  have  released  three                                            from their pioneering, So-Cal country rock fusion, through their years
                                                               critically acclaimed holiday albums, On Christmas Night, A                                             of  hard-hitting  social  commentary,  to  their  emergence  as  America’s
                                                               Star In The East, and 2015’s Christmas In Ireland.                                                     best-selling rock n’ roll institution – ATS covers it all.

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