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Marketing & Fundraising Materials

                                         CAPITAL CAMPAIGNS

                                                                       EMPOWERING Dreams,
                                                                       Igniting POSSIBILITIES
                                                                       ROAD TO RESPONSIBILITY
                                                                       1831 Ocean Street
                                                                       Marshfield, MA 02050
                            EMPOWERING Dreams,
                            Igniting POSSIBILITIES

                                                                               EMPOWERING Dreams,
                                                                               Igniting POSSIBILITIES
                                                                               ROAD TO RESPONSIBILITY
                                                                               1831 Ocean Street
                                                                               Marshfield, MA 02050
                                                                       EMPOWERING Dreams,  1831 Ocean Street
                                                                       Igniting POSSIBILITIES  Marshfield, MA 02050

                                                                                    EMPOWERING Dreams,
                                                                                    Igniting POSSIBILITIES

                                                                 Click here
                   EMPOWERING Dreams,
                   Igniting POSSIBILITIES  I/We prefer to pay the balance over three years as follows:   to see
                           ❑ Monthly     ❑ Quarterly     ❑ Semi-Annually     ❑ Annually     ❑ Other
                         I/We pledge to the Campaign:  I/We will make our first gift payment:  the entire
                         $_______________________  _______________________
                         AMOUNT OF GIFT  PAYMENT DATE
                         $_______________________  __________________________________________  brochure
                         INITIAL PAYMENT TODAY  SIGNATURE
                         $_______________________  _______________________  See reverse for payment
                         BALANCE  DATE SIGNED  method options.
                            METHOD OF GIVING
                   EMPOWERING Dreams,   ❑ Online - RTR will contact you directly.   ❑ Life Insurance
                   Igniting POSSIBILITIES  ❑ Check - make checks payable to “RTR Endowment Campaign”  ❑ Planned Gift
                            ❑ Securities
                 Credit Card Details
                 Card Type                                                             Exp. (MM/YY)  DONOR INFORMATION
                 Card Number  __________________________________________________________________  ROAD TO RESPONSIBILITY
                 ___________________________________  Name
                 CVC         __________________________________________________________________  MAKING LIVES BETTER
                 For recognition purposes, please list our name(s) as:  Address        1831 Ocean Street, Marshfield, MA 02050 •
                 ___________________________________  __________________________________________________________________  For more information, please contact Erin Cohen, Director of Development, 781-536-4509 or
                             City                                                                                State                                              Zip
                 ❑ I/We would like our donation to remain anonymous.   Phone                                                    Email
                                        Now is the time for RTR to significantly fund
                     EMPOWERING Dreams,   this vital organizational asset to guard its   EMPOWERING Dreams,   EMPOWERING Dreams,
                     Igniting POSSIBILITIES  future financial sustainability and allow           Igniting POSSIBILITIES
                                        RTR to be a resource to the South Shore   Igniting POSSIBILITIES
                                        Community for generations
                                        to come.                                                Campaign Goal
                           15  supported
                    35+     employment sites
                    years of                                                                   RAISE $3 MILLION TO
                 35  Making Lives                                             $3 MILLION
                    Better   40+                                                  Goal       BUILD AN ENDOWMENT FUND
                           competitive employment sites
                                                                  Campaign Goal           This essential endowment fund will provide financial sustainability and flexibility for Road to
                           1000+                                  RAISE $3 MILLION        Responsibility to execute its mission more effectively.  And, equally as important, will provide
                                                                                          a strong financial foundation for years to come. This campaign will provide the basis for the
                           individuals served per year            TO BUILD AN             endowment fund, which will continue to grow in the ensuing years.
                    66     staff members                          ENDOWMENT FUND          How an Endowment Fund will financially strengthen Road to Responsibility:
                    Programs  20,000+                                           $2.5 MILLION  Provide long-term security for its mission  Create additional resources to enhance benefits,
                           lives touched through the                                                pay, and bonuses for direct care personnel beyond
                           work with our Members                                                    what the state is able to fund.  This will keep RTR
                                                                                          Ensure stability during severe economic   more competitive and able to retain key and valued
                                                                            $2 MILLION    downturns, or funding changes at the state   caregivers in a very difficult labor market.
                          60 Locations                                                    level.
                                                                                           For example, during the Great   Increase available funding to help cover costs of
                                                                                           Recession, one of the day programs   various assistive technology devices the state either
                             100+                                                          had to be closed abruptly due to   doesn’t cover or can take so long  to approve
                              Towns and Communities                                        immediate funding cuts leaving   that it places our Members in situations that are
                              Served                                                       families stranded  unnecessarily risky or dehumanizing. This type of
                                                                          $1.5 MILLION              equipment - Hoyer lifts, Stander Lifts, Haptic Vests,
                                                                                          Create seed money to expand critical   and more - can dramatically change a disabled
                                                                                          services and develop new service models  person’s life experience. RTR needs flexibility to
                                                                                                    respond when the need arises, versus when the state
                                                                                                    can provide the funding (which can sometimes take
                                                         Passionate Staff at              Provide ability to have more available   up to two years).
                                                         RTR’s Grace Ryder
                                                         Residential Program  $1 MILLION  cash flow
                                                                                           For example, provide down   Transition/upgrade Group Homes to Smart Homes,
                                                                                           payments for new group homes   which can cost upwards of $30,000.
                    ROAD TO RESPONSIBILITY   EMPOWERING Dreams,                            when short-notice opportunities
                     MAKING LIVES BETTER                                                   present themselves.   Support RTR’s strategic planning goal to
                                                                                             Each new group home has an
                     1831 Ocean Street, Marshfield, MA 02050  Igniting POSSIBILITIES       estimated cost of $2 million  become more “Green”.  RTR has already begun
                                                                                                    Endowment will continue to support the conversion
                  For more information, please contact Erin Cohen, Director of Development  $500,000  implementing this initiative. Resources from the
                      781-536-4509 or                                             to Hybrid vehicles and solar power.
                 Visit Our Website:   Like us on Facebook   Follow us on Instagram at  For more information, please contact Erin Cohen, Director of Development
         roadtoresponsibility  For more information, please contact Erin Cohen, Director of Development
                                                                         781-536-4509 or
                                              781-536-4509 or
                 Follow us on YouTube   Connect with us on Linkedin
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