Page 23 - phil 19-20 annual report for flipbook_Neat
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Accomplishing More Together

                                  The Phil is grateful to the volunteers who donate their time, energy and creativity to
                                  the orchestra. We are stronger because of them, and through their dedication the
                                  music plays on.

                                  Governance           Usher Supervisors    Marion Galvin        Margot Rainey
                                  Committee            Robena Haigh         Mary Gelsthrope      Mary Reynolds
                                  Michael Keys, Chair  Karen Kuskin-Smith   Ellen Giachetti      Joseph Rofe
                                  Elizabeth Pineault                        Valerie Gresh        Melanie Russell
                                  Geoffrey Stewart     Concert Ushers       Dorothy Hayes        Susan Saltonstall
                                                       and Event Support    John Kelso           Joy Sand
                                  Finance Committee    Carolyn Atanian      Ann Kennefick        Mary Schwartz
                                  Andrew Simon, Chair  Dianne Austin-Young  Karen Kuskin-Smith   Jim Smith
                                  Rob Cozzone          Pat Brylinsky        Ronnie Lazarus       Shari Sprong
                                  Elizabeth Pineault   Steve Brylinsky      Ruth Lombard         Caryn Stankewich
                                  Jim Quinlan          Marie Close          Bob Losert           Linda E. Stone
                                  Joyce Stewart        Marylyn Colburn      Karolin Losert       Kenneth Stone
                                                       Wendela Yeo Correia  Jim MacMillan, Sr.   Carol Sullivan-Hanley
                                  Scholarship          Carol Coughlin       Andrianne Maniatis   Joni Troyanos
                                  Committee            Joseph Coughlin, Jr.  Bobbi Martino       Deb Tucker
                                  Judy Fosdick, Chair  Karen Cruz           Deborah Matthews     Ann Wells
                                  Jean Landis          Carol Darcy          Pat McCarthy         Bill Werner
                                    Naumann            Peg Davis            Philip Morgan        Mary Ann Werner
                                  Susan Sylvester      Dick Domenico        Barbara Moser        Sharon Yopp
                                  Mary Toropov         Sally Domenico       Linda Moskoff        Marie Young
                                                       Cyndy Dorchester     Rose Mowbray         Ron Young
                                  2020 Golf            Deborah Ensminger    Elizabeth Murray     Allen Zubatkin
                                  Committee            Walt Ensminger       Carol O’Toole        Susan Zubatkin
                                  Bryan Graham, Chair  Phil Ferraguto       Fred Paris
                                  Dianne Austin-Young  Sharon Ferraguto     Dottie Pauk
                                  Alexis Brickner      Judy Fosdick         Helga Pettograsso
                                  Sara Olive           Maureen Francis      Michael Pettograsso
                                  Denise Sheppard      Robert Francis       Valerie Bodie Pflock
                                  Andy Simon           Judith Freeman       Sandra Powers

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