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The Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra
The Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra was founded
in 1913 to provide free symphonic music for the 515
residents of Plymouth. Under the direction of G. 593
Herbert Clarke, the orchestra was originally comprised Current Previous Year
of local amateur players. Today the orchestra features Subscribers
professionally trained musicians who bring a world-
class level of musicianship and dedication to the Phil. (2019/20)
With the exception of two years during World War II, Five years ago
the orchestra has been in continuous operation, and 242
became a chartered non-profit corporation in 1973. an increase of
The Phil has experienced continued growth and vitality 145% in five
over the past decade and has become a musical force years!
in southeastern Massachusetts. The Phil is a cultural
leader on the South Shore, annually attracting more
than 40,000 audience members to concerts and In the 2019/20 season,
serving more than 3,000 students and adults through
free outreach programs. Today, the orchestra plays the Phil had 565 donors,
to critical acclaim, premieres pieces from leading
composers, features renowned guest artists, and including 178 NEW donors
performs in venues across the region.
Under the music direction of Steven Karidoyanes since
his appointment in 1994, the orchestra has risen to new TICKET BUYERS BY TOWN
levels of distinction with a commitment to our values:
artistic excellence, community, expansive repertoire, TOP TICKET SALES
music education and financial sustainability. BY TOWN
Plymouth 49.10%
Duxbury 8.00%
Marshfield 5.20%
Hanover 3.70%
Pembroke 3.20%
Kingston 3.20%
Carver 1.80%
Scituate 1.90%
Middleboro 1.50%
Norwell 1.50%
Hingham 1.30%
other 19.6%
OUR MISSION Towns with
the most
The Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra, a professional orchestral Ticket Sales
ensemble, presents a wide range of live music and educational Ticket Sales
programs to people of all ages and backgrounds on the South between 1% and 2%
Shore of Massachusetts.
Ticket Sales
below 1%
2 | 2019/20 Annual Report