Page 19 - PPL Winter 2023 newsletter v6
P. 19


           Valentine's           The Romance             IRISH Music

               Music             of Schumann
             Concert                                       Concert
               with                    with                   with
           Dan Kennedy             Sweet Rain             Connacht

          Wednesday               Tuesday                Saturday

          February 15             March 14               March 18

            2:00 PM                6:30 PM                2:00 PM

         Kennedy, composer, pianist,  Danby Cho, clarinet; Hyemin  Recently touted as as the
                                Choi, viola; and Haram Kim,
        and recording artist brings  a
                                                        "Boston to Connemara
        Kennedy,               Danby Cho,             Recently touted
          Concert of piano music that  piano, will play very romantic  Connection"...A Fresh Take on
        composer, pianist,     clarinet; Hyemin       as the “Boston to
                               pieces by Robert Schumann
           will warm your heart
                                                         Traditional Irish Music
        and recording          Choi, viola; and       Connemara
        artist brings a        Haram Kim, piano,      Connection”...
        Concert of piano       will play very         A Fresh Take on
                                                      Traditional Irish
        music that will
                               romantic pieces by
        warm your heart        Robert Schumann        Music

                              Cover to Cover   Winter/Spring 2023 Issue     19
   14   15   16   17   18   19   20