Page 19 - Phil Connections Magazine 3-2021v2_Neat
P. 19
It is so important to have the new generation of have any questions. They always have the most
children learn an instrument at an early age. Not interesting and curious questions! It is a unique
only for their own behavior developments but for experience at each school. I just love it!
the purpose of keeping the classical music alive. What is your advice to parents/grandparents
Who are your favorite composers? who wish to share music appreciation with
Growing up my favorites were and still are the next generation?
Mozart and Bach. Both composers are especially My advice is to bring the youngsters to see live
important to the musician’s development, before concerts and to experience the beauty of seeing
being introduced to Beethoven, Brahms etc. Each musicians express their emotions through music.
composer has something special that a string player Have the new generation take music lessons either
connects to in each piece. The repertoire written in school or privately and listen to classical music
for strings is vaster than any other instrument, so it while they are doing homework.
is not easy to just choose one favorite!
The beauty of playing in multiple orchestras is that What is something that would surprise people
I get to play a variety of repertoire. I am lucky that to know about you?
I frequently have a favorite composer that I love More than 5 years ago I started to play tennis.
playing and can share it with the audience. At first with my husband and daughter, but later I
Was there a time when you and your extended took some lessons myself. Right now, I play with a
group of ladies every week for fun. I love gardening
family played together? outdoors and cannot wait to have the warm weather
Yes. I was privileged to have had two different to go out there to plan and take care of my flowers.
concerts that I played chamber music with my
father. We performed in Romania
at “George Enescu” Philharmonic
Concert Hall and at Longy Music
School. My mother and I played a 4th
of July concert together in Plymouth
(many years ago, I was still in school
at the time) and she was my stand
partner, which made me extremely
Is your daughter following in your footsteps?
My daughter, Emilie, has been taking piano lessons
from the age of 7, but as of right now she is focusing
more on her school and tennis.
You often visit the schools as part of the Phil’s
music immersion program. What are some of
your favorite moments from these events?
Some of my favorite moments from performing with
the Phil’s music immersion program are when the
kids are listening, and it is so quiet that you can
feel their focus on the music. I love playing those
programs and at the end we ask the children if they