Page 11 - PPL 3-2021 COVERtoCOVER_Neat
P. 11

Dear Kristen,
        I was a student in the Literacy

        Program in 2018.

        After studying with Julie and getting
        the incredible amount of support
        offered, I tested and passed all 5
        subtests with great scores!

        Once I received my GED certificate                     REMOTE LEARNING
        in the mail, I immediately applied to                  Our classes run from September through
        Quincy College as a Human Services                     June. We offer open enrollment throughout
        major and am pleased to announce that                  the school year. Since the pandemic, we have
                                                               offered remote learning. When we can return to
        I graduate this May with High Honors                   the Library, we will offer free tutoring and ESL
        and a GPA of 3.94!                                     conversation classes.
        I also became a member of Phi Theta

        Kappa which is an honors society for                   STATE ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENT
        students like me!                                      The program is open to any Massachusetts

        Because of my hard work, from the                      resident, age 16 or above, who is not currently
        moment I started the literacy program                  enrolled in or required to be enrolled in
        to now, I have been accepted to my                     secondary school under state law. Residents who
                                                               do not have a secondary school diploma or its
        first choice 4-year school in their Social             recognized equivalent are eligible, along with
        Work program. They have offered me                     those who are basic skills deficient and have
        the President’s scholarship of $16,000                 not achieved an equivalent level of education.

        a year!                                                English language learners are also eligible.

        Looking back at how terrified I was to
        get my GED, I couldn’t have pictured                   THREE WAYS TO HELP
        myself where I am today. I am so                           ✦ Make a Donation. Earmark your donation
        eternally grateful to this program                           to the Plymouth Public Library Foundation
        for opening a seat for me and helping                        to the Literacy Program. Gifts of any size
        me prepare for my future! So, thank                          make a difference. Donate online.

        you. And I hope this story can inspire                     ✦ Fund a Scholar $125.  The standardized
        students currently enrolled in the                           tests for high school equivalency exams
        program to never stop trying and                             and those for continued education are
        never give up!                                               expensive. This funding gives students
                                                                     scholarships and immediate access to
        Warmest regards,                                             testing when they are ready.

        Starleina Murphy                                           ✦ Tee Off with Us.  Come play with us!

                                                                     Last August, our signature “Tee it Up for
                                                                     Literacy” Golf Tournament raised $19,000
                                                                     from fees, sponsorships and assorted
                                                                     games of chance.
                                                                              Cover to Cover   Winter/Spring Issue     9
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