Page 25 - PPL 3-2021 COVERtoCOVER_Neat
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Volunteers                                                                       Our Valuable

        One of the greatest gifts you can give is time. Another is
        heart. These individuals have given The Plymouth Public                           In 2020, more than 50
        Library Foundation both.
                                                                                          people volunteered at
                                                                                          the Library for 3,272
        Pat Adelmann              Johnathan Ginsberg         Irene Sarke
        Patti Anklam              Karen Glowka               Joanne Sheehan               hours. They answered
        Joe Ausikatis             Carol Gregorio             Bruce Shlager                phones, sorted and
        Sita Ramrattan Baker      Robena (Robbi) Haigh       Audrey Single                shelved books and
        Maria Bishop              Brooks Holmes              Michael Smith                helped with other
        Lois New-Brandt           Constance Hyder            Bruce Stanley                essential administration
        Lauren Burgess            Deb Iaquinto               Sally Stanley                tasks. The Independent
        Jeanne Burnell            Loriann Keezer             Phyllis Stern                Sector, a national
        Kyle Campbell             Michael Kiely              Joyce Stewart                membership
        Lucinda Carpenter         Jeannette Kiely            Richard Swanson              organization of
        Peg Carpenter             Pamela Larsen              Jack Tessin                  changemakers at
        Donna Casella             Ruth Lombard               Nick Walsh                   nonprofits, foundations
        Judith Cassara            Elizabeth Martin           Diana Vecchiarello           and corporate giving
        Beth Clark                Heidi Mayo                 Juanita Ward                 programs across
        Richard Cline             Janice McBain              Sandra Williams              the country, reports
        Susan Coleman             Pat McCarthy               Stephen Williams             that the average
        Dennis Crimmins           Hazel Minsky               Barbara Zazzarino
        Patricia Cronin           Steve Minsky               Laurie Ziegler               value of volunteer
        William Curtis            Bernadette Mirisola        Dorothy Zupperoli            time is $27/hour.  In
        Beitris Daley             Jonathan Morse                                          Massachusetts, the
        Barbara Damen             Phyllis O’Neil                                          average is almost $33/
        Gabe D'Annunzio           Ellen Nordquist                                         hour.  Our volunteers
        Elaine Dawson             Susan O'Connell                                         donated $107,976 in
        Samantha Deavan           Ann Osga                                                time and talent to our
        Marsha Dineen             Walter Osga                                             community.  We can’t
        Judy Donn                 Karen Osler                                             thank them enough for
        Michael Dwyer             David Parker                                            their generosity.
        Deborah Ensminger         Catherine (Kay) Patrolia
        Deborah Etzel             Bill Petrillo
        Priscilla Ewer            Dorothy Price
        Stephen Ewer              Emily Reilly
        Kevin Feeney              Laura Reilly
        Sharon Ferraguto          Sarah Reilly
        Janet Fisher              Tony Rello
        Joseph Flaherty           Walter “Robby” Robinson
        Judy Fosdick              Cheryl Roscio
        Sheila Enroth-Fraser      Isabella Rose
        Ruth Fry                  Carol Roupenian
        Linda Gill                Hannah Roveto

                                                                             Cover to Cover   Winter/Spring Issue     23
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