Page 15 - Phil Connections Magazine 10-2020 final
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Despite the silver lining that Anna found with
cyber-learning, the one activity that didn’t Spread the Word about
translate in an online world was her group
rehearsal. “I haven’t performed or rehearsed the Phil’s Music Scholarship
with a group since last spring…and I really
miss it!” At the time of the closures, Anna’s The Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra Music Scholarship is awarded
Boston Youth Symphony was preparing for annually to a Plymouth County high school junior who intends to apply
their performance of Mahler’s Symphony No. during their senior year to a four-year music program. The $2500 award
may be used for lessons, workshops, or other expenses that raise the level
6, which was cancelled. “When all this is over, of a student’s qualifications as an applicant.
that’s the first thing I plan to do. I’ll get my
friends together—I don’t even care about an The scholarship is made possible through the generous support of an
audience—and we’ll just play.” anonymous donor and the Marinus and Minna B. Koster Foundation. With
the contributions of these and other Phil-anthropists, the Phil is able to
Anna has begun her senior year with a hybrid of support and cultivate the classical musicians of the next generation.
in-person and remote learning. She continues
to work 20 hours at the local market. Application deadline is November 16, 2020. Visit