Page 30 - Phil 21-22 PROGRAM BOOK MOTH digital_Neat
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Phil Fund Contributors (continued)
Mr. and Mrs. William Reardon Friends Cynthia Espanola and David Walinski
Kristin Robinson (up to $99) Carol F
Cynthia Rodolakis Matthew Adams Dr. Ann Faraone
Neil Rogers Ally Financial Inc Phillip Ferazzi
Peter and Cathy Rowden AmazonSmile Dee and Bill Ferguson
Cotty and Susan Saltonstall Ruth W. Anderson William Fitzgerald
Fran and Mark Schlesinger Anonymous (66) Maryanne Flaherty
Lynda Schuchman Austin Chet Flattery
Kate Schuh Mr. and Mrs. Bronius Banaitis Margaret Fogarty
George and Eunice Scotti Elizabeth Barber Mr. and Mrs. Robert Francis
David and Mary Severy Michael Barney Fraser’s
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Shaw Audrey S Barresi Judith Freeman
Janet Sheehan Ron and Sue Benizio Mary P Freitas
Allan and Judith Sherman Fund Timmy and Bobby Bennett David and Ruth Gaillard
Linda Sheroff and Bob Freedman Mr. Bob Bethune Colleen Gallagher
Russ and Patty Shirley Christopher Blades Russell and Susan Garland
Larry and Marlene Shobert Debby Boehm Marc and Maureen Garrett
Amy Sinsimer Brenda and Susan Jacqueline Gillette
Cheryl Smith Nancy Brooks Thomas Gloster
Leigh and Scott Smith Gretchen Brousseau Kimberlee Goggin
Marjorie Smith Bernard Burdick and Ellen Mounteer Leo Gozbekian
Ron and Peggy Smith Mary Jane Calhoun-Donelan The Greens
C. James Smith and Karen Kuskin-Smith Marisa Carpeggiani-Hamilton Jim H
Lee Smith and Kristine Herrick Ms. Laura Carson Mary Lou Hammond
Donald and Elizabeth Spradlin Sam and Caroline Chapin Mary Hainley
Ms. Linda Sternfelt Susan E. Choate Deborah Hanson
Sheila Stoddard and William Rovelto Robert Cinnante and Mijin Choi Sergio Harnais
Karen Swain Carol Cleverly Gail Ann Harris
Christine Sykes Chris Codner Jennifer Harris
Elizabeth Tassinari Bonnie Cole Prudence Hartshorn
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Taylor Mr. Richard Collins Charles and Meagan Hill
Jacqueline & John Thomson Wendela Yeo Correia The Howie Family
Frank Toffoloni and Kathy Fortini Karen Cruz James Hyland
John and Carolyn Watson Ginny Davis and Karl Lekberg Janet Jennerjohn
Michelle Wedge Larry Deshowitz Priscilla Jesse
Karen Weeks Betsey Detwiler Stephen and Dina Karam
Gene and Marcy Weiner Harriet Dillis Elaine Kearney
Kama Wien Anne and Joe Dillon Sid Ken
James Williams Cyndy Dorchester Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kevorkian
Jackie and Steven Winokur Jack Charles Douglass Bunny Kirsch
Lynn Wirth Kaleigh Rose Douglass Kevin Krawiec
Keith and Katherine Yancey James Doyle and Suzanne Clement Russ and Michaelene Krey
Joe Zambello Dorothy Drago Birgitta Kuehn
Paul and Cookie Zaniboni Dutra Family Diane and Curtis Kuta
Mr. and Mrs. James Zilinski Barry and Jo Ann Kylander
PAGE 28 Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra