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Best wishes to library director

                               JENNIFER HARRIS

                               It was the summer of 1994 when the  “This will be a farewell of sorts as Jennifer retires from her library post
                               Phil’s brand new conductor, Steven  to make room in her life to enjoy lots more time for her own interests,”
                                Karidoyanes met Jennifer Harris, the  says Karidoyanes. “I am thrilled for my dear friend but I will miss our
  Anne Camas Phelan, CEO of the Plymouth   newly promoted assistant director of the  collaborations. Hopefully we can catch up in person after a concert
  Public Library, and Jennifer Harris go for a more
  traditional “zoom” with the maestro back in 2017.  Plymouth Public Library. Each was eager  once we resume performances.”
                                to make connections in the community,   For over 20 years Jennifer Harris used her organizational and people
        and to create interesting opportunities for their respective audiences.  skills up in the balcony section of Memorial Hall as an usher during Phil
        For Karidoyanes, this was his first season at the Phil’s podium and he  concerts. “It was Steven’s commitment to the library’s annual program
        wanted both seasoned listeners and newbies to feel welcome at the  that inspired me to volunteer my time,” says Harris. “I try to say ‘yes’ to
        concerts.  After a bit of brainstorming Harris and Karidoyanes put  things in life as often as possible, a lesson taught to me by my 97 year
        together the very first Meet the Maestro at the library: an engaging  old mother. It was a wonderful experience to hear the orchestra play
        evening of music and learning, with a preview of the Phil’s upcoming  many times each season.”
        season.                                                  With free time looming on the horizon, what does a library director
        “I always look forward to presenting these annual Meet the ‘Me’  do in retirement? She reads all the books she has on her own list. “I’ve
        evenings at the library,” says Karidoyanes. “It’s the perfect way to wrap  moved to a new condo community where I plan to run a book club,”
        our collective brains around the orchestra’s entire season that’s about  says Harris. “It will be fun, plus it’s a great way to meet new people.”
        to begin. I am profoundly grateful to Jennifer for proposing the idea  Jennifer plans to stay active in Massachusetts library legislation issues,
        for this library program.”  He chuckles as he concludes, “I didn’t name  and to run for town meeting member locally in Plymouth. “I’ve already
        the event, though. Jennifer did — and it was ‘in print’ before I could  been asked to participate in a meeting for the League of Women Voters.”
        change it.”                                              While the local community stands to further benefit from Harris’

        The date for Meet the Maestro No. 27 came and went this year for  time and expertise, she hopes to get some travel adventures into her
        obvious reasons. However, this January the library will offer a special  calendar too. “When it’s safe to travel, I’m heading to Buenos Aires,”
        educational program with Karidoyanes via Zoom. The event date  adds Harris.
        coincides closely with Harris’ planned retirement from her role as   Best wishes from everyone at the Phil! “See” you January 6th.
        director of the library.


        Wednesday, January 6  • 6pm
        Steven Karidoyanes presents a virtual music appreciation lesson entitled “Your Symphonic Companion” broadcast live from his
        home studio.  This engaging 90 minute virtual gathering for adults is described by the presenter as “Everything You Wanted to
        Know About Listening to Symphonic Music But Were Afraid to Ask!”   Conductor Karidoyanes introduces all the basic elements of
        music in a user-friendly way, focusing on how to listen, what to listen for, and how to appreciate and enjoy musical creativity and

        Registration through the library is required.

        Register here

        Zoom link details will be emailed to registrants the day
        before the event. Any questions, please contact
        Jennifer Harris at 508-830-4250, ext. 215.

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