Page 21 - Phil Connections Magazine 10-2020 final
P. 21

much different. I’m in school in person every day which   just feel where the other people are going to place their
                                  means a lot less time at home. Unlike last spring, I’m not  notes and play with them, effortlessly riding a wave,
                                  here to help with the girls’ schoolwork at all.  completely in sync with one another. I did get to play
                                  Laura: Some restrictions have lifted enough to let the   one gig in September with the woodwind section of
                                  girls get back to their passions but with added safety   another orchestra. I was choked up the entire hour-long
                                  precautions. Zoe is a competitive gymnast, and is finally   drive to the site. We did an outdoor recording session,
                                  able to practice with her team again. Maya has just been  socially distanced. The piece we performed was an
                                  asked to be on a performance dance team.    arrangement of Simple Gifts from Appalachian Spring by
                                                                              Aaron Copland. It was so beautiful. And such a balm for
                             Photo credit: Denise Maccaferri  linings?        How would you finish this thought? (When
                                                                              my soul to get to play with wonderful people again.
                                  How will you look back on this time, any silver

                                  Ira: We’re good. It was a relationship test, and we
                                                                              things get back to normal, I definitely want to…)
                                  Laura: I think it did bring us closer, in our marriage and
                                                                              Laura: Play in the orchestra again. And go for drinks
                                  our family.                                 Ira: Not wear a mask anymore.
   Ira Schaefer demonstrates the                                              with my friends.
   double bass during the Phil’s    As a musician, what have you missed the most?  Maya: Have a big birthday party with all my friends,
   meet-and-greet before the family                                           and go shopping without wearing any masks.
   concert on March 8, 2020.      Laura: I miss being part of something larger than   Zoe: Hang out with my friends, without wearing masks.
                                  myself. I miss playing my instrument with my friends
                                  who are incredible artists that inspire me. I miss working   I want to go to every trampoline park in the world!
                                  with my friends. I miss having the best seat in the house
                                  in an orchestra concert, with the ultimate in surround   Each issue of Connections will feature a glimpse into the
                                  sound, sitting right there in the middle of it all. I miss   lives of our musicians and their unique experiences during
                                  the unspoken communication, especially in Plymouth   this time of forced hiatus.
                                  with my woodwind colleagues, when we are able to

                                           Playing it all by ear

                                                      is only impressive on a violin.

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