Page 4 - Phil Connections Magazine 10-2020 final
P. 4

A walk with

                                      Steven Karidoyanes

                                      The door opens, a burst of cool air rushes across his face as the conductor steps out
                                      purposefully, raising his hand…”Good morning!”

                                      Even before 2020 became a meme for new habits, Steven Karidoyanes has always
                                      incorporated a brisk walk around his Boston neighborhood into his daily routine.  “I
                                      like to embrace the day with some exercise and fresh air…and once in a while, I find

                                      inspiration!” says the maestro.

                                      That’s exactly what happened last spring. One might assume that the conductor’s ears are
                                      filled with classical masterpieces on his promenade. “Actually, I listen to my dear friends,
                                      Rob Hakala & Lisa Azizian on WATD’s South Shore Morning News,” laughs Karidoyanes,

                                      referring to his auditory choice. “It’s the best way I know to stay on top of what’s going on
                                      around the South Shore.”
                                                                           “I like to embrace the day with

                                      Karidoyanes recounts a special Friday
                                      morning in April he won’t soon forget.   some exercise and fresh air…and
                                                                           once in a while, I find inspiration!”
                                      “I’m on my walk and it was about 6:50
                                      am when I hear Lisa on the radio say, “Because of the pandemic, we don’t have anything

                                      to report for this week’s What to Do with the Kids segment at 7:11 — but maybe we’ll
                                      have a special surprise guest interview instead.  Stay tuned!”  I got excited hearing this
                                      and began guessing who the surprise guest could possibly be.

                                      “Then the alarm on my smartphone chirped that I had an incoming text. It was from
                                      Lisa.  It read: ‘Steven!! Will you call in at 7:11?’ I texted back: ‘I’m taking my morning walk.
                                      I might be huffing and puffing — but I’ll call in.’ And so I did.  Since it was the start of

                                      Easter weekend, Rob, Lisa and I shared a delightful on-air chat about our families’ various
                                      Easter traditions. What a joy!”

                                      That surprise morning interruption inspired an idea in Karidoyanes that would help WATD
                                      fill their program gap, and keep Karidoyanes doing what he does best: bringing great

                                      classical music to the south shore community.

                                      “Early the following week I sent an email to Rob and Lisa proposing Name That Tune to

                                      fill in while the What to Do with the Kids segment is on hiatus,” recalls Karidoyanes. “They
                                      enthusiastically embraced the idea.” Name That Tune, the classical edition, was born.

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