Page 16 - SPIRE_JAN_APR_2023_5th_Issue_DIGITAL_Neat
P. 16

                                                                                                                                TIM RAY

                                 ERIC LINDELL

                                 SAT,  FEB 25  I   8PM

                        With his raspy, soulful voice and instantly memorable original
                        songs, roots-rocking multi-instrumentalist Eric Lindell is a true
                        one-of-a-kind talent. Mixing West Coast rock and swampy Gulf
                        Coast R&B with honky tonk country and Memphis soul, Lindell                                               As a professor at the Berklee College of Music, you state that
                        creates American roots music that is both surprisingly fresh                                              your goal is to find “that special thing” to advance your
                        and sweetly familiar. Since his first self-release over two                                               students as players. Can you tell us about your teaching
                        decades ago, Lindell has earned critical and popular acclaim,                                             process at Berklee?
                        first in his dual home bases of Louisiana and Northern                                                    My teaching process has evolved over the years, but in general I
                        California and then across the country. Although influenced by                                            always work to connect with each student, discovering what
                        American roots music from blues to country to rock, Lindell’s                                             they need to bring their music to the next level. And I learn a ton
                        style is all his own. He has performed thousands of gigs in
                        roadhouses, clubs, concert halls and festivals and has appeared                                           from my students as well!
                        on national radio and television. His live shows overflow with                                            What was it like to work with the great Tony Bennett as his
                        happy, dancing people singing the words to every song.
                                                                                                                                  musical director and piano player? Do you have a favorite
                                                                                                                                  story you could share?
                                                                                                                                  It was such a joy and honor to work with Tony for those years.
                                                                                                                                  He was at the end of his career, and was dealing with some
                                                            EASTERN BANK LOBBY JAZZ SERIES:                                       memory issues as you may know. But his energy and spirit were
                                                                                        TIM RAY TRIO                              mostly very good, and although I didn’t get to know him all that
                                                                                                                                  well, our relationship was always friendly. It was so exciting and
                                                                              THU,   MAR 02  I  7:30PM                            humbling to realize, night after night, that I was sharing the
                                                                                                      $15                         stage with a living legend. And despite his advanced years, his
                                                              Tim Ray brings his jazz trio in for a concert of classics and original  musicality and voice were still quite impressive!
                                                              music. Tim Ray’s wide-ranging skills as a soloist and accompanist
                                                                 have afforded him the opportunity to perform with legendary     Your career has been so varied, you even toured as a pianist
                                                               performers from all walks of music. He is perhaps best known as   with singer songwriter Lyle Lovett. What was the most
                                                            Tony Bennett’s most recent pianist and musical director, appearing   important thing you learned from your years on the road?
                                                             in concerts with him until his retirement from singing in 2020. Tim  I think the main thing was - with Tony B, Lyle Lovett, and the  T I M   R A Y   T R I O  THU, MAR 02 | 7:30PM
                                                                  was also a longtime road companion to Lyle Lovett and Jane     other groups I toured with - that I needed to be a good
                                                                                                            Siberry.             accompanist and a good and easy person to travel with. Being on  The Tim Ray Trio plays a lot of dates in Massachusetts. How do
                                                                                                                                 the road for long stretches (like with Lyle) can be exhausting, but  you find the local jazz scene?
                                                                                                                                 I learned to always bring my best to the gig every night. And to  The scene is of course much different than when I moved to
                                                                                                                                 get lots of rest in-between!                             Boston in 1984. Although there are less jazz venues now, I still
                                                                                                                                                                                          like and enjoy the local scene. Communities like Plymouth, and
                                                                                                                                                                                          venues like the Spire Center, remind me that there will probably
                                                                                                                                                                                          always be an enthusiastic and loyal following locally for jazz and
                                THE SUITCASE JUNKET                                                                                                                                       creative music.
                                 FRI,   MAR 03  I  8PM                                                                                                                                    You have played at Carnegie Hall, the White House, and the
                                 $28                                                                                                                                                      Kennedy Center, as well as collaborating with a list of who’s
                                                                                                                                                                                          who in the music business. Is there something you still
                        The Suitcase Junket is multi instrumentalist Matthew Lorenz.                                                                                                      want to accomplish as a musician?
                        Solitary on stage and on the road, his mind is crowded with                                                                                                       I guess my goals at this point are to keep doing what I’m doing
                        characters, narratives, voices, imagery, sounds as wide and                                                                                                       for as long as I can - writing and playing good music for
                        varied as mountain throat singers and roadhouse juke boxes,                                                                                                       appreciative audiences, making connections with other
                        plus newsreels of the planet's destruction and salvage. With his                                                                                                  musicians that interest me, and passing on to the next
                        2020 release, The End is New, Lorenzs grand vision for the song                                                                                                   generations the things I’ve learned. I feel very lucky to get to do
                        overrides the how of it. The End is New is Lorenz's sixth full                                                                                                    what I love to do and make a living doing it!
                        length album as The Suitcase Junket, his first for Renew
                        "A master of musical imagination"  -NPR World Cafe

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