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GDS Disposable Panel Filters Z-Line Series Pleated Filters
The Z-Line Series pleated filters offer improved perform-
ance for virtually every application. All Z-Line filters fea-
The Glasfloss GDS disposable panel filter features ture fibers which do not absorb moisture and will not
an innovative, reinforced, "double strut" con- support microbial growth. Z-Line ZL and HV fil-
struction for excellent durability and perform-
ance in commercial, industrial, and ters achieve a MERV 10 rating and MR-11 fil-
residential applications. The design pro- ters achieve a MERV 11 rating per the
vides 10% greater open media area than ANSI/ASHRAE 52.2 Test Standard.
traditional metal grill filters and offers ex- The Z-Line Series products include:
cellent dust holding capacity. In addition, ZL - Offers excellent performance and value
the design allows for easier disposal, elim- for a wide range of applications.
inates sharp edges for safer handling and HV - Ideal in high-velocity systems where max-
reduces carton weight for lower shipping imum square footage of media is necessary.
costs. The GDS disposable panel filter is
available in 1" and 2" depths in many standard MR-11 - Provides high performance with low
sizes. pressure drop for energy efficiency.
Bulk Media & Pre-Cut Pads Air Cleaner Replacement Filters
Glasfloss Z-Line Series Air Cleaner Replace-
Glasfloss offers a variety of pre-cut pads and ment Filters offer convenient alternatives
bulk media for prefilter or primary filter ap- when replacement of the original filter is nec-
plications. Glasfloss pre-cut pads and bulk essary. The Z-Line 500AB *(Air Bear ),
media come in a variety of fiberglass and 700SG (Aprilaire ), 600GA (Goodman and
100% non-woven polyester grades that are Amana ), 400HW (Honeywell F-100 ) and
designed for light to heavy dust-loading ap- HWR Series (Honeywell FC40R ) are re-
plications. Standard size pre-cut pads are placement options that require no modifi-
packaged in a heavy-duty carton that al- cation to the existing housing. All are rigidly
lows quick access and keeps the media constructed utilizing high quality MERV 10,
clean before installation. Service rolls are MERV 11 or MERV 13 rated filtration media
available and are packaged in an easy to use backed with a metal mesh to prevent sagging
cardboard dispenser box. during operation.
Poly Rings, Sleeves & Links Z-Line Series
Carbotron Pleated Filters
Glasfloss Poly Ring filters are made with the
highest quality, multiple ply, polyester media ® ®
for maximum depth loading and service life. The Z-line Series Carbotron pleated filter
The poly ring media is thermally sealed combines MERV 8 particulate filtration and
around a heavy-duty internal wire frame to carbon odor removal in a single filter unit
ensure maximum durability. From an air with low pressure drop. The activated car-
entering filter for paint booths to upgrading bon used in the Carbotron Pleat has mil-
a lower efficient filter installation, the Poly lions of tiny openings that adsorb odorous
Ring panel filter is perfect for many filtration gas molecules from the air, so clean fresh
applications. Available in links and sleeves. smelling air remains. The Carbotron pleat
PR-10 and PR-20 Poly Rings are rated MERV comes in a variety of sizes to directly replace
8. existing filters with no modification to the sys-
Z-Pak & Z-Pak GT Magna 600, 800, 900,
Rigid Cell Filters HEPA, GT & HT Series
The Glasfloss Z-Pak extended surface filter is The Glasfloss Magna Series of rigid cell high ef-
designed for medium and high efficiency ap- ficiency and HEPA grade filters are designed
plications. The high density microfine fibers to meet exact specifications in high effi-
consistently provide high performance rat- ciency systems. Available in a wide range of
ings. The Glasfloss Z-Pak is available in efficiencies, sizes, frame types and header
box or header styles and comes in a wide combinations, the Glasfloss Magna Series
variety of sizes and efficiency ranges for combines state-of-the-art construction
commercial or industrial applications. Z- techniques with superior reliability offering
Pak filters are ideal for variable air volume maximum value. The Magna GT is ideal for
systems (VAV). The Z-Pak GT is ideal for gas turbine engine, centrifugal compressor
gas turbine engine, centrifugal compressor and other high velocity applications. Magna
and other high velocity applications. HT filters are available for high temperature ap-
*(Air Bear is a registered trademark of Trion Inc.; Aprilaire is a registered trademark of Research Products, Inc.;