Page 21 - Industrial Technology EXTRA - 6th April 2020
P. 21
120 parts per minute, accept trails, check that the correct
finished assembled product from product is being produced, prior to
their respective input conveyors. verifying, reconciling and recording
The individual technologies data at each stage.
were designed specifically to suit “Any rejected items pass
the process and integrate within through the system with no further
the machines. The line includes added value operations, before
hot melt glue applicators, labelling being subsequently segregated.
systems, laser coding systems and The systems also undergo
machine vision systems. ‘Challenge Checks’ prior to each
These are used to check, production batch to ensure that
inspect and verify both 2D matrix defects are positively identified by
codes, colours and alphanumeric the machine vision systems.”
text, in the form of a batch code CME’s rich history in
and expiry date, in addition to developing innovative packaging
checking product integrity of the solutions also positively influenced
outer card sleeve alignment to the the design of the individual
inner product body. The line product blanks, modifying the
continues by merging the products profile to enhance the aesthetics of
onto a single conveyor, prior to the folded product. The company’s FAULHABER Precision Gearheads
passing through a single pack Managing Director Paul Knight Expand your
wrapper, and then on to a 10 pack continues: “This is an excellent
collation system and bundle example of how CME is able to possibilities
overwrap for transport. apply our design innovation and
expertise to meet the diverse The new family of planetary
gearheads FAULHABER GPT.
Compliance standards challenges presented to us from Move up a gear where others
CME managing director Paul the different market sectors which downshift.
Knight expands on the company’s we serve. Our clients place great
involvement in the project: “We value on our capability to work in
worked closely with all parties partnership with them from initial NEW
throughout this project to develop concept creation through to build,
a solution which adheres to the including systems integration and
strict medical and pharmaceutical aftermarket support.”
compliance standards required for The system is confirmed as NEU
21 CFR Part 11. The machines, consistently running at 95%
which incorporate the necessary efficiency, and meets the
features for the standard such as pharmaceutical grade specified
dual logon digital signatures, by the client.
password management and audit