Page 19 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 20th July 2020
P. 19

This led to the introduction of challenging targets for   Sulzer's field service engineers removed the
       energy savings that would also deliver associated   pumps from the platform and delivered them to the
       CO2 and NOx reductions.              service center in Norway, where work started
         Peter Irlam, Retrofit Specialist, Sulzer EMEA,   immediately to gather all the necessary dimensional
       explains: "Having worked successfully in the past   data. This was transferred to the service center in
       with Sulzer, the platform management called us to   Leeds, UK, for the design engineers to create the
       assess two pumps that had been identified for   modified drawings.
       rerating. Both pumps were involved in condensate   For the booster pump it was decided to install
       export; the main pump was a horizontal, diffuser   an impeller eye choke ring to allow the pump to
       barrel design, and this was supported by a   operate at lower flows, thereby reducing the
       centrifugal booster pump. Neither of the pumps   vibration levels. The proposed design was assessed
       were of Sulzer design and so there were no detailed   using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to
       engineering drawings available."     establish the optimum size of the choke ring.
         Essentially, the issue raised by the customer was   For the main pump, the proposal was to reduce
       that the booster pump had some vibration issues   the number of stages from seven to only two. To
       because it was operating at a flow well below the   maintain a smooth flow path through the sections
       design point for this pump. Meanwhile, the main   where the impellers had been removed, Sulzer
       pump was generating too much head and as a   installed transfer tubes which were designed and
       result, it was consuming considerably more energy   manufactured in-house. The modified design was
       than was necessary.                  verified using rotodynamic analysis to ensure that
                                            the pump would operate with acceptable vibration
       Improved hydraulic design            levels.
       To help with the project design, Sulzer assessed the
       production profile for the platform, projected over  Achieving objectives
       the next 25 years. This showed that performance   Peter continues: "The customer would only allow
       would be reducing year on year, so Sulzer proposed   the pumps to be off the platform for a maximum of
       several hydraulic changes to both the booster pump   eight weeks, which left Sulzer with a tight
       and the main export pump.            timeframe to complete the engineering, detailed
                                                    design, manufacturing, rebuild and
                                                    installation. Through close cooperation
                                                    between our service centers, we
                                                    managed to deliver the project on time."
                                                      Having completed the installation,
                                                    the customer confirmed that the
                                                    vibration levels from the pumps were
                                                    satisfactory and the energy consumption
                                                    had been reduced by 800 kW, which
                                                    equated to a saving of more than GBP
                                                    800,000 per year, which puts the
                                                    payback in a short period of time.

                            July 2020 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA! • p19
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