Page 10 - Industrial Technology September 2020 issue
P. 10



         Manufacturers first in, can be

         first out of pandemic downturn


                oomi, a Dell Technologies business, has   their applications, according to
                revealed results from its ERP Innovator’s   87%, against an average of 76%,
                Dilemma report, which finds manufacturers   followed  by  migrating  their
         Binvesting in modernising legacy ERP systems. It   infrastructure to the cloud, in which
         finds upgrading the complex systems at the root of   the sector follows the average of
         manufacturing operations reduces “keep the lights on”   75%. The sector is also ahead of the
         spending, to just 35%. This has enabled manufacturers to   average in consolidating legacy IT
         increase innovation budgets to 32%, allowing further IT   infrastructure, with 72% against
         innovation – vital in these challenging economic times –   69%.
         and further modernization, 33%.             Boomi’s  research  shows
           With manufacturing one of the first sectors to return to   manufacturers are coping with
         work, preparing this vital sector for recovery has never   complex hybrid IT environments better than other sectors,   well-disposed to systems modernisation, with 41% of
         been more critical. As manufacturing leaders search for a   with less than half (46%) citing it as a primary challenge,   respondents citing the lack of senior buy-in as a problem,
         way to withstand today’s fractured supply chains,   against the average of 56%. A more pressing issue for   against the average of 48%. The real issue appears to be
         depressed demand, workforce safety and the widespread   manufacturers is the changing business requirements for   the lack of proper governance, which 63% identify as a
         uncertainty, modernising legacy ERP systems offers a way   the sector (53), which concerns 39% of respondents.    challenge, while the average lies at 53%.
         to increase agility and avoid a prolonged financial slump.   The business drivers pushing manufacturers to lift and   Some integration challenges weigh more heavily on the
           Modernising ERP systems lowers costs of “keeping the   shift their ERP systems to the cloud also differ from other   manufacturing sector than others: the lack of integration
         lights on”, according to manufacturers, which until recent   sectors. Gaining IT agility takes first place with 57%   technologies able to ingest data from any source (66%)
         years claimed 75% of IT budgets, simply to maintain   versus the average of 53%, while assurance lies at 53%,   surpasses the average of 51%, while organisations are
         operations. Upgraded ERP applications are now allowing   lower than the total of 57%. Driving business growth is   also struggling to find integration professionals who can
         manufacturers to drop this to 35%, and free the remainder   also more of a priority in terms of ERP modernisation for   understand business processes (46%), a shortage which
         for innovation (32%), while continuing to modernise   manufacturers, 55% against an average of 53%.    affects just 39% of the total. It’s a crucial problem to
         further applications (33%).                 Manufacturers also differ from the average in the   address for the sector, as it focuses on integration and
           As they amp up modernisation efforts, manufacturers   reasons behind ERP modernisation projects failing to   orchestration strategies to create the best customer
         are investing in the consolidation and standardisation of   deliver as expected. The manufacturing C-Suite is more   experiences (59% – above the average of 52%).

           Red tape is key barrier to cybersecurity

                 he recent Kaspersky report ‘State of industrial   phishing attacks. Organisations need to make sure their   challenging generally, due to the specific requirements
                 cybersecurity in the era of digitalisation’ has   protection is up to date with these changes and there   of OT, the barriers for implementation can complicate
                 revealed the main barriers that inhibit or delay   are no open doors for malicious actions in ICS networks.   and slow down the process even more. Some
           Timplementation of industrial cybersecurity   The above barriers however are what organisations   organisations will need to be even more conscious as
           projects. The most common obstacles include the   will have to overcome when implementing cybersecurity   they try to overcome these difficulties with decreased OT
           inability to stop production (34%), and bureaucratic   projects. Remarkably, most of them refer to bureaucratic   security budgets (24%).
           steps, such as a lengthy approval process (31%) and   rather than technical obstacles – in total, almost half of   “It’s always more difficult to invest money and
           having too many decision-makers (23%). These barriers   organisations (46%) face red tape delays. In addition to   resources in projects without a clear return on
           may become a critical point in light of Covid-19 because   the most prevalent – long approval times and numerous   investment, such as with cybersecurity initiatives,”
           they can affect the implementation of pandemic-driven   decision-makers – these barriers include protracted   commented Georgy Shebuldaev, head of growth centre
           operational technology (OT) security initiatives.   supplier selection and purchasing processes, as well as   at Kaspersky. “And while cybersecurity for OT is still a
             The cybersecurity race doesn’t slow down, and every   interference from other departments.   developing area, all these management barriers are
           year many incidents, including high-profile attacks, hit   These barriers may become even more critical in the   quite natural. As a vendor, it is up to us to help
           industrial control systems. The pandemic lockdown   current post-lockdown period. The survey revealed that   customers eliminate these obstacles and simplify and
           introduced its own challenges in addition to the existing   almost half of organisations (46%) expect to see   speed up the implementation of protection measures.
           threat landscape. Industrial firms have to adapt to new   changes in their OT security priorities as a result of the   Our task here is to make ROI more transparent and
           norms including remote work, overnight digitalisation   pandemic. These organisations will probably need to   showcase the risks for businesses so customers can
           and new hygiene requirements, as well as specific   shift their security strategy on-the-fly and quickly   understand the benefits from the very beginning and
           pandemic-driven threats such as a massive growth in   implement new cybersecurity practices. While it can be   better justify them to C-suite or the board if needed.”

        10                                                                                       INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY • September 2020
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