Page 19 - Industrial Technology September 2020 issue
P. 19

The SICK Telematic Data Collector

       When do you need other devices to link sensors in plant
       and machinery? Whenever a device does not use the
       same protocols as the cloud it wants to connect with, it
       will need a gateway to handle the transfer of data to the   The SICK SIG200 gateway and SIG100 Sensor Hub  with Ethernet, CAN, RS232, RS485, 1-Wire and UART
       cloud. For example, an IO-Link sensor needs a master,                               interfaces. Output communications can be via cable,
       and the master may need a cloud gateway of one sort or   A sensor hub is an IO-Link device, such as the SICK   wireless signal or GSM.
       another. The gateway needs to be able to talk the right   SIG100 that connects to an IO-Link Master.  It takes a   A data collector is any device that is able to accept
       language to both the connected device and the higher-  number of on/off sensors that connect to it and it   and pass on sensor data. The SICK SIG200 can take
       level cloud or network it is linked to.   squeezes all their outputs into one string that can be   sensor data and pass it on over REST API to the cloud or
         SICK has already begun to roll out a portfolio of   passed on up the chain to the PLC. SICK’s SIG100   fieldbus to the machine controller. The SICK TDC can
       devices to facilitate sensor integration into fieldbus   sensor hub can be used to bundle up to twelve standard   take data direct or via REST API and pass it to the cloud
       environments and higher automation hierarchies.  But   I/Os in a single IO-Link data packet, which can then be   or a local network storage solution.
       the terminology for these gateways and integration hubs   communicated to machine controllers and cloud-based
       can sound very similar.                   systems via the SIG200. A maximum of 52 I/Os can be   Is there an easy way of detecting all IO-Link devices in
                                                 connected to one SIG200 by using the SICK SIG100.   a machine? Yes, this is simple using SICK’s FieldEcho
       What’s the difference between IO-Link Masters, Sensor   Sensor Integration Machines (SIMs) are hardware-  software. SICK FieldEcho closes the remaining gaps in
       Hubs, Sensor Integration Machines, Sensor Integration   based programmable devices that also have configurable   integration and makes all IO-Link devices visible,
       Gateways and Telematic Data Collectors? An IO-Link   on-board software such as SICK AppSpace, so they can   providing direct access to process and service data and
       Master sits on a higher-level bus system, such as   be used to process many different tasks, including more   enabling the IODD device descriptions to be
       PROFINET or EtherCAT. It acts as a gateway for IO-Link   complex machine vision applications, for example. They   automatically downloaded.
       data to be passed on to the PLC or higher-level systems.     also include some or all of the functionality of an IO-Link   The FieldEcho has a well-designed user interface
         SICK’s SIG200 Sensor Integration Gateway is an     Master.                        opened with a browser or integrated into the machine or
       IO-Link Master with an on-board web server that   The SICK SIM1000 and SIM2000 Sensor Integration   plant HMI.  It visualises all configured IO-Link Masters,
       collects, combines, evaluates and transmits signals from   Machines collect and evaluate data from multiple   IO-Link sensors and actuators, and displays their status.
       IO-Link devices from any manufacturer. SICK’s   sensors working together at the field-level via standard   These parameter values, diagnostic messages, events
       innovative DualTalk technology means the SIG200 needs   interfaces, including Ethernet, IO-Link, CAN and Serial.    and alarms from the IO-Link devices are hardly ever
       only one cable to communicate simultaneously via the   With up to four Ethernet ports, the SICK SIM1000 and   needed by the control program of the machine, but they
       fieldbus with the machine controller and with higher-  SIM2000 can support interfaces for cameras, lighting,   are invaluable for decision making both at the plant
       level enterprise or web-based systems. It’s the first of a   LiDAR scanners, encoders, photoelectric or displacement   level, and in MES or cloud applications. Control
       family of intelligent Industry 4.0 gateways designed to   sensors, as well as to higher level controls and to the   communication via OPC UA or TCP/IP, as well as data
       work as both IO-Link Masters and small, distributed   Cloud. The multi-sensor outputs, values and results can   exchange with IT- or cloud-based applications via REST,
       logical control systems in one.           be used to drive typical industrial automation   enables integration into any Industry 4.0 applications.
                                                 applications such as camera-based inspection,
       Flow wrapping packaging machine application enabled by the    measurement, or identification of objects.     How does SICK envisage the future development of
       SICK SIG100 and SIG200                      The term Gateway can mean different things   sensor integration? Industrial automation is developing
                                                 depending on what is using the ‘gate’. In the case of   rapidly.  SICK’s intelligent sensors collect data, evaluate
                                                 sensor data, it may be the SICK Sensor Integration   it in real time, adapt to their environment and
                                                 Gateways. More generally, a cloud gateway is a device   communicate over the network. It is networked
                                                 that takes all sorts of data and passes it to the next level   production and control processes, working in complex
                                                 via the relevant protocol. Think of it as a translator. An   machine environments, that will shape our industrial
                                                 example of this would be SICK’s TDC (Telematic Data   future. The degree of digitalisation in future will mean
                                                 Collector), used to aid real-time condition monitoring and   smart factories will organise themselves using huge
                                                 predictive maintenance.                   amounts of up to date information to make independent
                                                   The SICK TDC collects and processes sensor outputs   decisions. This information will be provided by smart
                                                 and data in stationary and mobile machinery, together   sensors.
                                                 with GPS localisation information, and enables them to
                                                 be displayed, monitored, recorded and analysed via a
                                                 server or cloud system. By transferring data via a mobile
                                                 communications protocol (MQTT), a real-time overview
                                                 of selected plant and processing parameters can be
                                                 provided, and SMS text or email alarms can be
                                                   The SICK TDC system also enhances system
                                                 transparency to SICK and third-party sensors compatible

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