Page 30 - Industrial Technology September 2020 issue
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               he speed with which organisations   the most appropriate for each business in   higher  density
               are embracing Lithium-ion battery   order to unlock the highest reward from the   and lower weight
               technology is gaining pace. Spurred   technology. The wrong battery and charger   batteries  with
         Ton by environmental concerns, cost   combination will not recognise the   the best range
         assessment and efficiency drives, many   advantages of a correct match to the   and  shortest
         businesses are becoming increasingly   application of individual customers.   charge times.
         knowledgeable about Lithium-ion, especially   Not all battery environments are the   However, the
         in terms of its varied benefits.    same: a warehouse or logistics environment   same constraints
           But while organisations may be aware of   is unique compared to other battery powered   are not present in a warehouse for   of charger and battery is best suited.
         the appeal of Lithium-ion in terms of its   vehicle environments. For electric cars, for   materials handling equipment as the   This is then matched against the
         ability to support 24/7 logistics operations   example, the technology is all about the   charger is almost always available close   available power into the building.
         with fast charging and no battery changes,   distance achieved between charges and the   by and charging can be done regularly
         they may not be aware it’s not a one-size-  weight of the battery pack. Achieving the   whilst the truck is stationary for a short  Data analysis
         fits-all approach. In fact, there are a number   best balance here achieves the greatest gains   period of time. And weight is a friend   But some businesses might think that
         of considerations that should be taken into   for  the  driver.  Electric  automotive   rather than a foe when it comes to a   they don’t have enough breaks, that
         account to identify which lithium-ion setup is   manufactures are constantly striving for   forklift or counterbalance truck for   their trucks are working non-stop. This
                                                                           example, so different battery chemistries   is where a data recording device comes
                                                                           can be considered, such as the use of   into play. Trucks will either be working
                                                                           Iron Phosphate. Different manufacturers   (the wheels are turning or the mast is
                                                                           will use different chemistries, but Iron   moving –  the truck is in use), standing
           ULTIMATE                                   25                   Phosphate is currently the safest cell   (the truck is not moving, albeit turned
                                                                           chemistry and from an ecological point
                                                                                                        on or off), or charging. The data
           BATTERY                                    TECHNOLOGY           of view, it’s also non-toxic and harmless.   recording device can capture that data
                                                                                                        every 20 seconds over five days,
                                                                             It’s not as simple as finding the
                                                      OF MAKING
           PROTECTION                                  SAFER               biggest battery you can. And it’s more   providing over 22,000 readings to
                                                                           than just fast charging. It’s about a
                                                                                                        identify where the potential breaks are
                                                                           bespoke solution for each business,
                                                                                                        and the typical energy consumed during
                           Providing safety                                depending on its needs and setup.   a given period of time.
                                                                                                           For example, a shift change might

                   through temperature control                             Water, tap and bath          actually take 20 minutes from start to
                                                                           A simple way of explaining this is   finish. But in that time, you can already
           ATC SEMITEC stock a wide range of thermal devices               through a ‘water, tap and bath’ analogy.   have put nearly 50% energy back into
           which provide valuable protection for rechargeable              How long does it take for a tap to fill up   the battery. Capitalising on breaks such
           batteries, Li-ion batteries and battery chargers.               the bath? It depends on how big the tap   as these can go a long way to supporting
           Ultra-thin battery logic fuses, miniature snap action           is, how fast the flow of water and how   the  increasingly  common  24/7
           thermostats and NTC thermistors, provide protection             big the bath is. An efficient setup for one   operations of an organisation.
           against overcharge, overcurrent, short circuit                  environment could be to have the   In conclusion, each different battery
           protection and abnormally high temperatures.                    biggest tap with the smallest bath; ie   chemistry  setup  offers  different
                                                                           the biggest charger with the smallest   characteristics to serve a variety of
                                                                           battery. With a smaller tap (or smaller   charging strategies – but it is key for
                                                                           charger) and a big bath (big battery), it   each organisation to capitalise on the
                                                                           is going to take longer to fill, however   bespoke nature of Lithium-ion in order
                                                                           this could be the optimum solution to   to realise the most efficiencies out of the
                                                                           work within the power requirements (or   technology.
                                   Offering a choice of thermal            water pressure). Every application is   By working with a consultant that is
                                   devices, thermal response,              and should be different for each   an expert in the field, the right Lithium-
                                   accuracies and operating                business to gain the most value.    ion strategy can be identified and
         AUTOMOTIVE  RECHARGEABLE  E-VEHICLE                                 To deploy the most appropriate   implemented rapidly. That way, not only
                    BATTERIES  CHARGING  temperatures.
                                                                           Lithium-ion strategy, the most important   will each business achieve the highest
                                                                           questions are: How long will the truck   reward, but they will be safe in the
                                   NEED ADVICE?                            be working? And when are the breaks in   knowledge that it will also be in the
                                   Call us now on 01606 871680             any given shift? This determines how   most efficient way possible – not just
                                   or email         often the forklift will be put back on   a one size fits all solution.
     for technical advice & samples          charge, which in turn dictates what size   MORE INFO:

                                                                                                 INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY • September 2020

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