Page 11 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 19th July 2021
P. 11

coil is fixed in the stator and the permanent magnet
       is rotating with the shaft. The moving
       magnetic field around the stator
       results in iron losses, where an
       electrical current is induced within
       the iron laminations of the stator.
       This current generates heat,
       adding to the heat
       already generated in
       the coil. Iron losses
       are proportional to motor speed; they                       coil temperature
       aren’t significant at lower speed but              doesn’t exceed its maximum
       become greater at high speed and at this   admissible temperature. This means that
       stage, torque must be reduced.       the duration of the operation must be limited.
         Whether brush or brushless technology is   Slotless brushless motors are particularly well-
       required, the thermal challenge is the same: keep   suited for short peak torque as the design makes it
       the coil temperature below its maximum,   possible to typically reach 10 times the motor’s
       admissible temperature. Creating a contact of high   maximum continuous torque with 10 times higher
       thermal conductivity with the motor can improve   current. At the same time, slotless coil designs can
       heat dissipation. This can be achieved by increasing   accumulate a great quantity of thermal energy
       the surface exchanging heat with the ambient air,   thanks to their higher thermal capacity, making it
       for example. In most cases, a motor installed on a   possible to provide high torque during a short
       metallic base, mounted from its front face onto a   duration without relying on heat dissipation.
       metal stand that will help drain heat out of the   Another way to manage heat to improve motor
       motor, provides better cooling than having the   performance is to design stators with an integrated
       motor surrounded by air only.        air path so that the air flow can carry heat away
         Motor designers and manufacturers like   from the motor. This focuses on the heat convection
       Portescap engage with customers early in their   inside the motor, rather than designs that rely
       development process to assess the dissipation   mainly on heat conduction. It might also be possible
       capability of a motor or motor/gearbox assembly.   to integrate a fan on the motor shaft, driving airflow
       Taking the specific application setting into account,   through the motor body as it is operating.
       the design and configuration can then be optimised   The lifetime and performance of a miniature
       for best motor performance.          motor is closely linked to successful heat
         Some applications require high torque for a   management. The solution depends on the
       short duration. Industrial power tools, such as   challenges of each individual application setting and
       screwdrivers, require speed during the run-down   the success factors required, be that achieving a
       phase and then peak torque during the tightening   given torque to realising maximum efficiency. To
       phase, which typically lasts up to a second. For a   design a system most capable of achieving your
       peak torque requirement, a motor can be supplied   specific mini motor application goals, the input of
       with a current that exceeds the motor’s maximum   an experienced design team is valuable for success.
       rated continuous current as long as the

                            July 2021 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA • p11
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