Page 11 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 21st June 2021
P. 11

blood samples, PoC analysis can reveal glucose,   all made in a highly controlled manufacturing
       haemoglobin and platelet levels. PoC testing on   process that ensures they perform with supreme
       urine samples can indicate if a patient is pregnant   accuracy. Faulhaber motors are renowned for their
       or has a urinary tract infection.    high power density, and their compact size helps
         PoC analysis allows early detection of medical   keep PoC analysis systems portable.
       conditions, enabling healthcare professionals to   Motors from Faulhaber are also highly efficient,
       make rapid triage and treatment decisions that   which is particularly beneficial in PoC testing
       often lead to a more successful
       treatment outcome. The faster
       result and commencement of
       treatment means the patient
       can be discharged more
       quickly, reducing the length of
       stay in the healthcare facility
       and making space available for
       other patients.
         The individual conducting
       the PoC test is only required to
       do a few simple steps, as an
       automated lab system can do
       the rest. Depending on what
       kind of test is being conducted,
       motors in the PoC testing
       equipment  can  aid  in
       transporting, rotating and
       shaking samples, as well as
       mixing reagents. Automating
       the analysis process enables more reliable results   systems that are battery powered to prolong their
       and a faster processing time.        operating time. In addition, Faulhaber motors are
                                            highly reliable, providing a long service life and
       Demanding motor requirements         eliminating the need for frequent replacement.
       It's important that the automated PoC testing   Widespread COVID-19 testing has helped
       system performs with the highest accuracy to   control the spread of the virus. However, the
       deliver the healthcare provider with correct test   benefits of PoC analysis span far beyond the
       results. Therefore the components in the system   pandemic, helping to diagnose a variety of other
       must be selected for high accuracy and quality.   infections and medical conditions. With the
       Stepper motors are an advantageous option to   assistance of high performance motors, automated
       power a PoC testing system, as they can perform   PoC systems can provide quick and accurate test
       with very precise and controlled movements.     results, helping to get patients the treatment they
         EMS is the sole UK supplier of the Faulhaber   need fast.
       motor range, including its stepper motors, which are

                            June 2021 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA • p11
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