Page 19 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 27th July 2020
P. 19

tried many general-purpose adhesives, but the joint   player wants to enhance their sound it is far more
       comes apart after a short time.”     cost-effective to seek out a better bow rather than
         Then, as fortune would have it, a personal   pay half a million pounds, or more, for a new
       recommendation for Loctite 330, prompted   violin.”
       Matthews to give it a try. “Loctite 330 is   In contrast, although the cost of a bow produced
       marvellous; the joint sets really hard,” he states. “In   by Mr Matthews varies depending on specification,
       addition, we can work with it shortly afterwards as   a typical price range is around £2,000 to £3,500.
       the adhesive goes off quickly.”        Despite the fact that he describes his mother of
         To satisfy his curiosity, Matthews has tried on   pearl inlay as little more than a “piece of fancy
       several occasions to deliberately separate the joint,   decoration”, discovering a product able to adhere it
       but a variety of mechanical methods failed to prise   to the ebony frog has been a huge relief. “In actual
       the materials apart. “I even boiled the joint in a   fact, the mother of pearl I use is very special as it’s
       saucepan for 30 minutes, but it still wouldn’t   from the Jersey Ormer shell,” says Matthews.
       separate,” he says. “Having tried further   “Ormer is found around the Channel Islands, where
       techniques, I discovered the joint was so good that   it is fished for local restaurants. However, it is
       the mother of pearl would break up before it   becoming increasingly rare due to pollution, which
       separated from the ebony. I was very impressed and   is reducing population numbers.”
       will not be using anything else. From experience, I   Many of the famous French bowmakers of the
       know a lot of bowmakers have the same problem,   19th Century used this same type of shell, which
       so it’s good to share the success of this leap   they called Ormeaux, making it revered among
       forward.”                            players of bowed string instruments. “To be honest,
         Matthews produces each bow to order,   we don’t want to be wasting mother of pearl due to
       according to the player’s exact requirements,   failed adhesive, which is why it’s so great that I’ve
       adjusting factors such as weight, balance and   found Loctite 330,” concludes Matthews.
       strength accordingly. Most bows take around 10-14
       days to complete. Over the
       years he has produced
       several hundred bows for
       players of violins, violas,
       fiddles, cellos and double
       bass instruments
          “Bows are underrated
       items and often get treated
       as accessories, but people
       who know what they’re
       doing realise that a bow
       can bring an instrument to
       life and improve a player’s
       performance, helping him
       or her to get better work,”
       says Mr Matthews. “If a

                            July 2020 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA! • p19
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