Page 8 - Industrial Technology EXTRA - 6th July 2020
P. 8
Chain installed on ice cream
palletisers is sweet success
An ice cream plant in Germany realised that an increase in production was causing
chains on its pallet lifters to fail prematurely, resulting in operational delays. To
maximise chain service life, it contacted Tsubaki to supply a more reliable option
ce cream is a food that inspires universal joy century, ice cream became popular, radiating out to
like no other. People worldwide will always courts across Europe. Modern ice cream production
need ice cream to complete the perfect day out didn’t take off until the advent of industrial
Ior take the edge off a hard week. However, one refrigerators in the 19th century. Since then, a rise
factor that does affect ice cream demand is the in average incomes and our penchant for sweet
season. Obviously, more ice cream is sold during foods has grown the market. From being the
summer than winter, which means ice cream preserve of the privileged throughout history, the
producers have to increase production to capitalise. global ice cream market had expanded to $57
These duty demands can cause the premature billion US by 2017.
failure of power transmission components such as Propping up the majority of this large sector of
chains, especially when production is taking place the food and beverage industry are ice cream
in sub-zero temperatures. plants. Designed to operate with high efficiency to
Historically, frozen desserts such as ice cream maximise profits per unit, these facilities rely on
have been a luxury item. In ancient China, Greece equipment that can operate in an application
and Rome, records attest to high profile members of environment that, in many places, is well below
society consuming them. In Italy during the 17th freezing and laden with moisture. For example, ice