Page 14 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 8th February 2021
P. 14


       High power and smooth torque

       control for medical pump

       An enteral feeding pump manufacturer has selected a coreless DC brush mini

       motor system to power and control its nutrition flow. Combined with a gearhead
       and encoder, Portescap’s engineers integrated the customised package
       to provide high power density and smooth torque control.

                European infusion system provider
              developing an enteral feeding pump
              required a compact motion solution.
       AAn enteral feeding pump, including
       its feeding tube, is used to provide nutrition to
       patients who are unable or unsafe to eat by
       mouth, as well as those with challenges
       swallowing  or  requiring  additional
       nutritional supplements.
         This could include patients who have
       suffered from stroke, dementia, throat
       and mouth conditions, as well as
       patients who are not conscious. An enteral
       feeding pump is preferable to alternative
       intravenous (IV) feeding due to the former’s   system required that
       continued dependence on the stomach, meaning   the fluid had to be delivered in a smooth,
       the avoidance of stomach muscle rehabilitation,   continuous flow, avoiding peaks. The pump also
       especially for prolonged use, associated with IV.   had to generate flow across a wide range of speeds,
         An enteral feeding pump needs to be compact   serving patients requiring very low flow rates
       and lightweight to enable portability. However, the   through to requirements for relatively high speeds.
       pump has to deliver sufficient torque to ensure   The medical equipment manufacturer engaged with
       continuous flow and this particular model needed to   Portescap based on its track record of solving
       deliver liquids of both low and high viscosity.   precision medical pumping challenges, combined
       Feeding pumps require accurate and precise flow   with its technical knowledge and ability to
       rate adjustment, dependent on the liquid type and   customise its motion solution to meet exacting
       patient requirement. A specific demand for this   specification needs.

                          February 2021 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA • p14
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