Page 11 - Industrial Technology October/ November 2020 issue
P. 11
Distributor becomes DON’T COMPROMISE ON QUALITY.
manufacturer of social
distancing solution At
Gold &
Wassall, not
only have we
urck Banner’s systems division been manufacturing
has a reputation for bringing hinges for over 200 years,
together a diverse array of we’re still manufacturing in the
Tproducts to form cohesive UK. Every hinge we sell has been
systems solving the requirements of expertly planned and crafted at our works in Tamworth.
major industrial companies. However it
had not manufactured its own product
in the UK until July of this year. We pride ourselves on quality, which is why we carefully oversee
Early in the Covid-19 lockdown every stage of the manufacturing process.
Turck Banner saw an opportunity to
support shopkeepers’ need to control 01827 63391
the flow of customers entering their
premises. Customers were often seen
queuing outside shops unsure whether
it was safe to enter or not, and often
avoiding shops with a long queue
altogether. Turck Banner’s systems
team were challenged to come up with entrance. The traffic light gives a clear
a solution using the four following instruction to enter or wait, and a
criteria: it needed to be simple to use, repeater indicator is located on top of
easy to fit, low cost and adaptable to the post to ensure that the shopkeeper
changing government rules. can see if the traffic light colour is red or
Two solutions emerged. The first green from 360 degrees. This solution
was a simple combination of a power still costs just under £500 and requires
plug, an inline changeover switch and a no installation. EURO-BEARINGS LTD
red-green tower light. The light could be With the new system proving very
mounted in the shop door or window successful, the systems division turned COMBINED ROLLER BEARINGS
with the switch placed near the till. The its attention to the more usual, with
shopkeeper could then turn the light red industrial customers to see how this MATING STEEL PROFILES
or green, like a traffic light, to allow may be of benefit to them. Two
customers into the shop or request that opportunities to assist were identified.
they wait. This could be sold for just Customers required monitoring of
£90. The second solution replaced the enclosed spaces to ensure safe VERTICAL
mechanical switch with a remote occupancy and to maintain social
control, allowing the shopkeeper to turn distancing on stairways. HORIZONTAL
the light red or green. This had a higher Many enclosed spaces which now
price at £210 but reduced the have reduced occupancy need external
installation requirements. control. The occupancy version of the
Turck Banner trialled both systems control station has sensors mounted to
at a variety of shops and found the light the post which detect the presence and
needed to be more prominent. Mounting direction of a person entering or exiting CANTILEVERED
it outside the shop could be a solution, the room. A second version addresses
however this would require permanent maintaining social distancing on stairs,
installation work. Temporarily running and is fitted with a single sensor which
cables around some shops was also detects anyone passing as they start
challenging. upon the stairs, at which time the
Using feedback from the trials, the indicator light turns red for a set period TELESCOPIC
systems division developed a of time before returning to green.
standalone cordless control station. It Turck Banner managing director BEARINGS
used the remote control, which was the Peter Gardner said: “In these times
most popular of the original designs. when many people are struggling it feels
The tower light was replaced by a good to be able to support local
daylight visible red/green traffic light businesses both in providing solutions STEEL PROFILES STANDARD MOUNTING PLATES FLANGED CLAMPS
mounted on a 1.5m post and a base and by procuring as many parts as we
containing a rechargeable battery and could locally and manufacturing H E AV Y D U T Y Linear Motion Systems
the remote controller. The station is locally.” Telephone: 01908 511733
weatherproof and is positioned at the MORE INFO:
October/November 2020 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY