Page 17 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 1st Febraury 2021
P. 17
respondents expected environmental credibility to
become a key differentiator moving forward.
Similarly, 72 per cent indicated that new materials
will be the driving force in lowering emissions.
The results aren’t exactly surprising – green
engineering has been on the sector’s agenda well
before Covid-19 came along. Yet, the findings
certainly demonstrate an increased pressure to
effectively develop greener modes of air transport,
and get it done quickly.
Every component in the aeroplane will need
to extract maximum value, including all of the
hundreds of bearings found in a single plane.
Bearings for aviation and aerospace have to
withstand harsh conditions, extreme temperatures
and demanding load profiles, while offering
increased speed and reduced rotational torque. For the smaller and space-limited aerospace
There’s a lot to ask of bearings, and projects like the projects, such as those found in the reclining
Airbus zero emission plan certainly keeps the elements of the seats, we’d recommend EZO thin
bearing industry moving. section bearings manufactured by Sapporo
Precision in Japan. These bearings have a
Ambitious specifications reputation for consistent quality, allowing design
Bearings are used across the entire aeroplane, engineers to produce dependable and reliable
including aircraft wing systems, flight control, products and systems for the green aerospace
cockpit controls and aircraft interiors, to name just mission.
a few. Already, some of the most renowned bearing While these seat recliner bearings may seem
manufacturers are competing for prestigious trivial in the grand scheme of things, we must
contracts in this division. Design engineers are remember that the longer these components last,
working with very ambitious specifications, which the less bearing replacements will need to take
rely heavily on ultra-low friction, lightweight, place across the aeroplane’s lifespan. This not only
compact and long-lasting bearings. saves the airline operators money, but means less
Even the miniature bearings in the aircraft carbon emissions are generated in the bearing
interior, from the seats, bins, latches and hinge supply chain.
points, will need to be carefully chosen, as every Airbus’s reveal of its three concept zero-
gram counts. While some of the components may emission aeroplanes was certainly a moment in
be the same as previous aeroplane models, others history. There’s no doubt the entire aerospace
may need a rethink. Bearing material and supply chain is feeling a positive force to develop
lubrication are two of the most important options in and improve products and processes. Good quality,
the selection process, which will have a huge well thought out bearings could help make sure at
impact on bearing speed and load capabilities, as least one of the three concepts is brought to fruition.
well as long-term maintenance requirements.