Page 20 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 26th October 2020
P. 20

l   Torque-to-diameter ratio – robots are normally   the size of the brake itself is less critical. In some
       constrained by the space they operate in, which   cases such as torque motors or hollow shaft motors,
       means the torque-to-diameter ratio is a key   the brakes will have to be mounted separately.
       consideration. In general, OEMs should look for the   However, size of the brake is still important for all
       highest possible ratio, particularly for the brakes   applications.
       used at the base of the robot arm.
       l   Response time – power-off brakes are typically  Maximum and minimum torque
       used as safety brakes that engage when power fails.   In medical units such as a surgical operating arm,
       In this case, response time is particularly important.   the brake can also act as the clutch. The brake
       PM brakes tend to have the faster response times   holds the robot arm in place but if the maximum
       and so are often the prefeered choice in safety-  torque limit is reached, the unit can be moved (ie
       critical applications.               pushed out of the way) but still held safely. Often,
       l   Resolution – robots provide highly controlled   the friction material can affect or control this, which
       motion and so resolution is always important. Both   is a good safety aspect.
       PM brakes and spring-applied brakes offer infinite
       resolution.                          Other common options
       l   Cost – spring-applied friction brakes tend to be   Other features can be added to brakes used in
       the most economical solution, offering effective   compact robotic applications. These include:
       performance in a wide range of applications. PM   l   Reduced holding voltage – after being released
       friction brakes are next in terms of cost, followed by   at nominal voltage, some manufacturers of spring
       spring-applied tooth brakes – the most costly due to   applied brakes can drop to a holding voltage of 50%
       the precision manufacturing required.   nominal. This is very advantageous for an AGV,
                                            forklift truck or other mobile robotic application
       Low profile brake designs            where the power supply is a battery, as power
       Recent advancements have enabled robotic arms   consumption is significantly reduced. This will also
       and mechatronic systems to shrink in size. This   reduce heat generated from the brake coil. This is
       reduction in footprint often requires low profile or   typically achieved with PWM (Pulse Width
       ‘pancake’ style brake technology. KEB has   Modulation) controlled by the customer.
       recognised the increasing demand for compact   l   Cable assembly and connectors – some
       spring applied brakes and has successfully designed   suppliers can provide brakes complete with heat
       custom low profile brakes.           shrink tubing, wire jackets, pig tailed leads, cable
         This style of brake is functionally identical to the   labels, etc. Along with added connectors or plugs.
       standard spring applied brake but achieves the   This eliminates the need for customers to add cable
       same rated torque in approximately two-thirds the   assembly to their process and provides a ‘plug-and-
       thickness, which allows for highly compressed drive   play’ ready solution.
       system braking in robotic joints, AGV’s, forklift   l   Custom coil voltages – some batteries and
       trucks, etc. Magnetic simulation software can also   control systems operate at voltages outside of the
       be used to design custom brakes that meet   common standard offerings (24, 48, 105,
       customer-specific design envelope constraints.   205VDC). Some suppliers can design and wind a
         Not all robotic applications require the brake to   coil to suit any desired voltage.
       be incorporated into the robot arm, which means

                          October 2020 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA • p20
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