Page 20 - Industrial Technology EXTRA - 15th June 2020
P. 20
Fast, precise surface profiling
High speed laser triangulation sensors selected for road surface profiling equipment
K based PaveTesting is a leading Instrumentation – for fast and highly accurate
designer and manufacturer of pavement profile measurement.
testing equipment for essential PaveTest prides itself on its flexibility for design
Umonitoring and maintenance tasks on and production with a capability that meets the
road and runway surfaces. Its comprehensive needs of the global market it serves for transport
product range covers measurement hardware and authorities, paved surface constructors and
sophisticated software that conforms to operators, and many other organisations. With the
international safety standards for the identification PaveProf specifications conforming to all the
of pavement surface profile characteristics that relevant ASTM standards, each system is typically
include surface roughness, texture, road geometry customised to suit the exact nature of the test
and rutting. requirements where measured results can be
Addressing the industry’s need for fast and interpreted to factors such as ride comfort, surface
precise testing, its vehicle mounted PaveProf friction and surface noise generation.
Profilometer performs in real-time and at highway Furthermore measurement speed, road type,
speeds for millimetre accurate results; and to meet road width and vehicle mounting dimensions need
these challenging requirements PaveTest has to be taken into account. To address these many
chosen Riftek’s RF603HS series laser triangulation variables, the exact number of triangulation sensors
sensors – supplied and supported by Ixthus and their mounting arrangement can vary