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                                                          where process improvements can be made   simulations to model production line changes ensures the
                                                          and replicated on other lines.Wherever you   changes will work before interrupting production.
                                                          chose to start, be clear about why you are
                                                          implementing a more automated approach.  Final thoughts
                                                          Are you solving a particular problem, or   Food processors should not wait until they are building a
                                                          making the most of new opportunities? And   new facility to implement automation digitalisation. The
                                                          who is driving the project – is it a bottom-  benefits of adoption in terms of process improvements,
                                                          up or a top-down process?       return on investment and the ability to be more responsive
                                                             It’s important to start the process with   to market fluctuations are compelling.
                                                          proof of concepts, pilots, easily-understood   However, there are a number of factors to consider in
                                                          projects that can be scaled up when   order to ensure that investment is successful. These
                                                          proven. Taking a step-by-step approach   include having a clear vision and purpose, communicating
                                                          ensures factors such as networking,   that vision to the team, and sense-checking that the
                                                          machine-to-machine communications and   proposed investment will achieve the desired outcomes.
                                                          integration with legacy systems are   By following these steps, decision-makers can be assured
                                                          considered and addressed in a timely and   that their automation strategy will be a lasting legacy,
                                                          cost-effective way.             delivering all the benefits of a smart factory and giving
                                                             Phased adoption enables you to take   their business a competitive advantage.
                                                          your people with you: many an investment   Automation specialists such as Festo are on hand to
                                                          in technology can be negated by resistance   offer expert advice and provide the support that
                                                          from colleagues and employees who do not   business leaders require.
                                                          fully understand the benefits or the overall   MORE INFORMATION:
       factory to start investing in – and benefiting from  –   vision. The smart factory journey is best achieved when
       automation. Upgrading existing machinery is an affordable   the entire organisation has the knowledge and confidence   For further steps on putting Industry 4.0 into practice download
       and manageable place to start. By automating one   to implement the necessary changes.   Festo’s whitepaper Practical Tips for Industry 4.0 implementation
       production line, you begin to collect data and insights on   With the team fully on board, ensure all elements are   from
       achieveable, tangible results: for instance identifying   in place before committing resources. Applying digital twin

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